Dream of pigeons flying like me

Dream of pigeons flying over like me, making friends will not be satisfactory. For example, when people around you know your secret, they are full of stories. Be careful that walls have ears and doors have eyes. Don't neglect the warning?

Office workers dream of pigeons flying over like me, and their luck in the main workplace has declined. If you have something to say, don't take talking with people as a debate contest. In the office, you should be friendly with people, speak with a friendly attitude, and make people feel friendly. Even if you have a certain level, you can't use the tone of command to talk with others. Sometimes, people's opinions can't be unified, but they can be reserved. Is it necessary to fight to the death for those issues that are not very principled? Indeed, some people have good eloquence. If you want to give full play to your eloquence, you can use it in negotiations with customers. If you are eloquent and show off your strength, you will make your colleagues stay away from you. As time goes by, you will become an unwelcome person unconsciously.

Single people dream of pigeons flying over like me. Recently, there have been changes in love. Although you have a good chance, you are often afraid of life change and have an evasive mentality. Communication problems easily lead to big changes in love. The idea that has been brewing in the heart has a chance to be put into practice.

If a woman dreams of a pigeon flying over like me, she will have a good fortune in the near future. She is lucky and complacent, but she will not be complacent. If she is too lax and arrogant, she will have trouble. Be careful to be cheated and beware of fire.