Dream of black fish


  • Dream of black fish, indicates wealth.
  • Dreaming of a black fish biting indicates that you will be in a bad mood.
  • From a bad point of view, it seems successful to dream of catching black fish, but the means are not bright, or it has something to do with the wrong source of money.
  • Dream of black fish, it means that you have been very moist recently. In terms of work, you are smooth, like a fish in water, and the boss will look at you differently. In life, there is no trouble. I live very happy and comfortable every day. In terms of feelings, the relationship with him has become better and better recently, and the feelings are even worse than before.
  • The picture of catching black fish appears in your dream, suggesting that you should attend more business meetings. Through these gatherings, you can make new friends. In addition, you can find more new business opportunities and bring you more wealth. Even if you are too busy to attend these gatherings, you can also notify Zhixin to express your concern, which is also a good contact method.

Different people dream of black fish

  • Pregnant women dream of black fish, which indicates that they and their baby are very healthy or a symbol of wealth.
  • A married woman dreams of a black fish, which means that her relationship with her husband is getting better and better. Recently, your husband will take time to take you on a trip and have been to the world of two.
  • Men dream of black fish, the main business, which shows that their work has been relatively smooth recently, and they can do things easily. Many things that were not done well in the past will now be helped by someone to do together, and they have done well and perfectly. Continue to work hard.
  • Single women dream of black fish, which means that they have had good luck recently. Boys who have been in love for a long time will confess to themselves recently. Therefore, dress up beautiful and energetic every day.