Dream of a bear

Bears are enemies. The bear is strong and ferocious, symbolizing a strong enemy. Dreaming of a bear means meeting a strong enemy.

  • Dreaming of being bitten to death by a bear means being defeated by a strong enemy and suffering misfortune.
  • Dreaming of a bear jumping on himself means that the enemy will fight against him for a long time.
  • Dreaming of the bear running away means that the disaster is over and happiness is coming.
  • I dreamed that the bear would come down the bumpy mountain road from the top of the mountain and would file a lawsuit with others. It was restless all day.
  • However, when I dream that the bear goes up the mountain and disappears at the top of the mountain, all the pain of the dreamer will be over.
  • Dream of a standing white bear dance. The dreamer will get on well with his boss, or get a promotion and increase his salary.
  • Dream of the black bear's body drifting in the water, there will be a rainstorm, indicating that the dreamer's neighbors and friends will face disaster.
  • The boatman dreamed that the body of the white bear was drifting in the water, which meant that a tsunami and an iceberg were coming.
  • I dreamed that the bear had a son.