Dream of knives and daggers


The knife is the murder weapon, the main disaster. Dream knife aims to remind dreamers to avoid and resolve conflicts as much as possible, and warn dreamers not to conflict directly with anyone. The knife in the dream represents the way to solve problems by violence. If you dream of cutting people with a knife, you have a tendency to violence. If you dream of others cutting yourself with a knife, you are afraid of violence against yourself.

  • Dream of a knife as a gift to a friend, indicating a break in the relationship between the dreamer and his friends in reality;
  • Dream of stirring things with a knife to remind the dreamer not to be impulsive and not to have any conflict with others;
  • Dreaming of a man wearing a knife shows that the dreamer is full of masculinity;
  • Women dream of a knife, which means the dreamer's pursuit of men's wrist strength and physical ability;
  • Dreaming of a broken or bent knife indicates that the dreamer is worried about sexual ability;
  • Dream that the knife is covered with blood, reminding the dreamer that he should try to avoid direct conflict with others;
  • Dream of giving a knife to others means that it will cause unexpected losses, reminding dreamers to pay more attention.
  • Dream of wearing a dagger, will be famous.
  • Dream of fighting with an officer with a dagger and being stabbed by the other party. You will get a high-level Military Merit Medal in a short time.
  • Dreaming of losing the dagger means losing help in a critical moment.
  • Dream that giving a dagger will defeat the enemy and win.