Dream of orphans


Orphans are wealth. Although orphans have lost their parents, they are more able to live in their own hearts, free from the interference of others, have their own opinions and achieve more in the future. So in dreams, orphans represent success and wealth.

Psychological interpretation of dreams and the interpretation of dreaming of orphans

The orphan in the dream is the representative of the fragile side of human nature. It often indicates that you are lonely and eager to be loved.

  • Dreaming of orphans means success and wealth.
  • Dream of donating money to orphans or orphanages, there are auspicious signs, there will be windfall or partial fortune.
  • Dreaming of adopting orphans is a good omen. Married women will be pregnant and have children, and unmarried women will fall in love with a man of social celebrities.
  • Married men dream of adopting orphans and their wives will have girls.
  • It is auspicious to dream of becoming an orphan. A dreamer will be famous and respected in his own circle.
  • Dreaming of orphans dying is a bad omen. Unfortunate things will happen. There will be disasters at home (such as fire, house collapse, etc.), which will reduce the population.
  • It is auspicious to dream that your child has become an orphan. When the child grows up, he will do something great and honor his family.
  • Infertile men and women dream of orphans, and miracles will happen. They will get the children they dream of.
  • Married women dream of orphans, which is a bad omen. Their children will have accidents. If there are no children, the husband's family will reduce the population.
  • If you dream that you have become an orphan, it is a reminder that dreamers must get rid of their inner dependence, be independent and self-reliance.
  • If you dream that you are taking care of orphans, it indicates that you may get help from others.
  • If you see street children in your dream, it means you will have difficulties at work.
  • Dream of comforting orphans, indicating that the worries of others will touch your compassion and eventually urge you to sacrifice your personal pleasure.
  • Dreaming of orphans related to you indicates that your life will add new responsibilities, which will lead to alienation between you and a friend or someone with the same hobbies.