Dream of jumping off a building


From the perspective of psychological interpretation of dreams, most of the time, others in dreams are actually themselves, because the prediction given by dreams is usually obscure. Many dreams are opposite to reality. Dreaming of someone jumping off a building is actually jumping off a building by themselves. There are several explanations for this dream:

  • Death represents rebirth and change. Dreaming of others jumping from a building represents that you are not satisfied with your current life, want to give up your current life, want to change and change completely.
  • Dreaming of someone jumping from a building symbolizes depravity or depression, indicating that the dreamer has recently relaxed or fallen in work, life or feelings.
  • Dreaming of others falling off the roof indicates that the dreamer may encounter unexpected difficulties in the near future, but the difficulties will soon pass.
  • Office workers dream of someone jumping from a building and bleeding, indicating that the dreamer may be entangled in some family affairs in the near future, thus affecting his work; You may also encounter pressure from your elders, especially male elders.
  • Dreaming of strangers deliberately jumping off a building indicates that the dreamer is dissatisfied with the current living environment and tends to escape from reality.
  • Dreaming of his wife or girlfriend jumping from a building indicates that the dreamer will have a conflict with his partner in the near future, but it is not too serious. He will make up as before soon. He might as well take the initiative to show kindness to each other.

Dream of jumping off a building

  • Dreaming of jumping from a building indicates that the dreamer feels uneasy because the current living or working environment has changed. If you often have such dreams, it indicates that your health may have problems. You'd better have a physical examination.
  • I dreamed that I fell from a building. In the process, I tried very hard to prevent myself from falling to the ground, or I felt very afraid, but in the end, I was unharmed. It indicates that the dreamer will encounter a lot of pressure and get into trouble in his recent life, but he will eventually get out of the trouble through his own efforts.
  • Dream of falling from upstairs and waking up in the process of falling, which indicates that the dreamer is likely to have organic lesions. It's best to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.
  • Dream of falling down from the downstairs, falling heavily, aching all over or unable to get up, which indicates that the dreamer will encounter major setbacks and suffer a heavy blow in the near future. Be psychologically prepared.
  • Dreaming that he failed to jump from a building indicates that although the dreamer will encounter difficulties in the near future, it is only temporary or not serious, and will pass soon.