Dream of palm trees, palm trees


Palm tree owners are successful. Palm trees are strong and tall, symbolizing success. Dreaming of palm trees means a happy and rich life.

Dreaming of climbing palm trees means that you can finally succeed after overcoming many difficulties.

Dreaming of falling or falling from the palm tree is a sign of failure, an ominous sign of physical weakness and reduced income.

Dream of cutting down palm trees, the boss will lose his temper, or be accused of conspiracy, treason, or other retribution.

Dreaming of holding palm leaves in your hand means that your career will achieve brilliant victory.

Dreaming of dry palm trees is not a good sign. Disaster will come and income will drop sharply.

I dreamed that piles of palm trunks could make a fortune.

Different people dream of palm trees

Married women dream of palm trees with many fruits, which indicates the success of marriage. Husband and wife will respect each other and grow old together.

Unmarried women dream of palm trees with many fruits, which means they will marry into a famous family.

The unmarried woman dreamed that the tall palm tree was full of fruit and would marry to a famous home.

The traveler dreamed of palm trees. The trip would be smooth and he could reach his destination safely.

The army officer dreamed that the withered palm trees would bear fruit, which was an ominous sign and would cause stomach disease.

Farmers dream of palm trees with many fruits, and the crops will have a good harvest.

The marching army officer dreamed that the withered palm trees would bear fruit, which was an ominous sign and would suffer from stomach disease.