Dream of singing


  • The dream of singing reveals the dreamer's secret desire to show his ability or personality charm in front of everyone.
  • Dream of yourself singing loudly, suggesting that you have a desire to express yourself in front of everyone. You envy those social stars and hope to talk like them and attract everyone's attention. But you are somewhat introverted and self-confident. When you behave in front of others, you can't help but feel cramped, so you often shrink back.
  • Dream of two people singing together, suggesting that the dreamer hopes to have a partner.
  • Dreaming of singing with friends means that you are healthy and happy.
  • Dreaming of others singing indicates that you will receive good news.
  • The husband dreamed of his wife singing, indicating family harmony, happy life and happy mood.
  • Unmarried women dream of singing loudly, which indicates that you will attend relatives and friends' weddings or meet your sweetheart.
  • Married women dream that they are singing, indicating that they will be pregnant and have children.
  • If the wife dreamed of her husband singing, she also hinted that she would have a son.
  • The patient dreamed of singing, indicating that his body was recovering.
  • When businessmen dream of singing, they should be careful that their business is depressed and their income is reduced.
  • If you dream of singing. Everyone applauds for you, indicating that you hope that love will be recognized and supported by everyone.
  • Dream of someone singing a lament, indicating good health and unexpected good luck.