Dream of the opposite sex

Dream of the opposite sex, indicates the rise of love luck.

Dreaming that the opposite sex is beaten by yourself indicates that you are a person with strong action and determination, and will influence your classmates, colleagues and friends around you with your own actions. However, you should pay attention to enough. You can't feel too self-centered or arbitrary, otherwise you will be disgusted, which indicates that you are going well with others.

Dreaming that homosexuality has become a junior of the opposite sex indicates that you may change your sexual orientation in the future.

I dreamed that my heterosexual friend I talked about was pregnant with my child and married. It implied that you very much wanted to get back together with her, and pregnancy was an external cause. You were embarrassed to get back together with her, so you wanted an accident to make marriage possible.

Dream of confessing with friends of the opposite sex indicates that you have jumped out of the past relationship. Your dream directly states that you like another person and you are waiting for his confession. In this process, you are happy and uncomfortable.

Dream of nudity of the opposite sex, indicates that you will be embarrassed in money, may live a period of cash is not abundant, make your social life a little embarrassed.

Dream of walking hand in hand with friends of the opposite sex, that academic performance, or work smoothly.

Dream of beating the opposite sex, indicates that in communication with people is progressing smoothly.