Who is your love patron saint


When it comes to the zodiac, many people know which twelve are. But when it comes to the love patron saint of the zodiac, I believe not everyone can say it. Some people will wonder, thinking, what is the love patron saint of the zodiac? Generally speaking, it is a Zodiac or a practice, or even a direction that can make your love and feelings smooth or relatively smooth. For those older leftover men and women, their feelings have not been able to blossom and bear fruit. It's better to learn about their zodiac love patron saint, and then try the following methods to see if there will be unexpected gains.

1、 The Chinese Zodiac belongs to the male and female of rats and monkeys. The patron saint of love is the dragon

Therefore, if your zodiac is these two and your feelings have not been settled for a long time, there are several taboos: (1) avoid keeping a dog as a pet; (2) Avoid sleeping at home in the northwest; (3) During the year of the dog, we should pay attention to changes in our feelings. Solution: you can sleep in the southeast, or put a small fish tank in the southeast of your home, which can make your patron saint of love powerful and help you emotionally!

2、 The Chinese Zodiac belongs to men and women of snake and chicken. The patron saint of love is sheep

Therefore, there are also two things you most taboo: first, there must be no fish tank in the northeast of your home, otherwise it will be absolutely detrimental to your feelings, and love will not go well all the way; Second, avoid eating mutton. Solution: a fish tank can be set up in the southwest to promote the flourishing of peach blossoms, in which two black fish can be raised! Or, choose the southwest as the bedroom, with the head in the west, which is also the peach blossom of the snake and chicken Zodiac!

3、 The zodiac belongs to the men and women of tiger and horse. The patron saint of love is dog

Therefore, the zodiac is a tiger, a horse friend, the most taboo in his life to eat dog meat, especially the greatest impact on feelings. At the same time, it is also taboo to choose the bedroom in the southeast, which will often destroy the patron saint of your love and delay your feelings! The best way: choose the northwest as the bedroom, with your feet facing due south, then love will naturally succeed! Or paste some portraits of great people in the northwest, which sometimes plays a great role!

4、 The Chinese Zodiac belongs to the male and female of rabbit and pig. The patron saint of love is cow

Similarly, the northeast of the home is most forbidden to have toilets and fish tanks. Seeing it is extremely unfavorable to feelings, peach blossom is difficult to succeed! Also the most taboo to eat beef. Avoid choosing the southwest as the bedroom, which is greatly inappropriate. You should choose the northeast as your bedroom, with your feet facing west, the peach blossom will come naturally and love will come naturally!

5、 The zodiac belongs to men and women of dragon, dog, cow and sheep. Their love patron saint is themselves

For example, if it belongs to the dragon, its love patron saint is the dragon; A dog is the patron saint of love; A cow is its patron saint of love; Of sheep, the patron saint of love is sheep. The taboos are the same as the taboos of the above-mentioned patron saint of love, which are dragon, sheep, dog and cow respectively, and can be compared.

When it comes to the fortune telling of the twelve zodiac animals, many people think it is not accurate. In fact, it is not entirely inaccurate. If you use it well, you can see a lot of things. However, to be specific to one person, one thing or something, it is really based on the eight characters. There must be a certain law behind the emergence or phenomenon of anything, and it will not exist or disappear because you believe it or not. The more typical is: gravitation actually existed before Newton did not find it! So, don't always say that you don't believe eight characters. Your attitude doesn't matter. You don't have to emphasize it often!