nasolabial folds


The two lines extending from the wing of the nose symbolize the command of the legal system and the majesty of the rule of law. People with long and broad legal lines and bell like shapes will be able to give orders and have the dignity of a leader. The law also represents career work. The longer the law, the longer the career, and the more open people, the broader and far-reaching the career scale. The decree, also known as the longevity belt, symbolizes the operation of the nervous system and digestive system. If the decree pattern is excellent, the nervous and digestive performance will be excellent, and the longevity will be long naturally.

Legal tattoos are usually obvious after middle age. Obviously, at this time, they have accumulated a certain reputation and achievements in the society. If there is no legal mark in middle age, it means that his social status has not been established. On the contrary, if he has legal marks at a young age, he may enter the society as soon as possible and work hard for life in the first half of his life, and even be able to complete his studies by working.

  • People with long legal lines have a successful career and good health.
  • Those whose legal lines are not obvious have unstable career foundation and lack of good performance.
  • For people with different lengths on both sides of the law, their careers fluctuate and change a lot and are not smooth. They seem to be running around for their family all their life, and their jobs change again and again. They can't stabilize. Their business will be in crisis due to human factors. Fortunately, the sideline will bring you a turnaround. In addition, you should pay attention to traffic safety and be careful not to hurt your hands and feet.
  • People with unclear laws and regulations have no success in their career and don't live long.
  • People with short lines cannot be supervisors, otherwise they will be dragged back by villains.
  • People with clear legal lines and equal left and right sides have a sense of law and order, and like a stable working and living environment.
  • The man who died of hunger strike at the age of 50 had a bad career.
  • People with too deep legal lines are harsh and unreasonable.
  • People with asymmetric legal patterns have unstable temperament and strange Yin and Yang.
  • It is called & ldquo; Snake Exit & rdquo;, Turn the crisis into safety and save the danger from danger. You can escape the hunger strike.
  • According to the law, people with nevus have leg and foot diseases, which are bad for walking.
  • Women with deep and long legal lines are called & ldquo; Commit a solitary God & rdquo;, The husband is thin and tends to be single. Married people are separated without divorce, but they can live independently and have excellent working ability.
  • Legal tattoo entrance, plus the tattooed entrance of tear hall, mainly died of food poisoning or drug poisoning.
  • Women under the age of 20 have obvious legal lines, which indicates that they have a weak relationship with their parents and have the evil appearance of declining family fortune.
  • Women who have legal tattoos before the age of 30 are career iron women who perform well and don't let men.
  • Women with nevus are unwilling to be indifferent and lonely, and their marriage is not beautiful.
  • Women with unknown legal patterns like a peaceful life and are willing to be housewives.
  • The long tongue twister is a stubborn, rigid and meticulous person. Because it is difficult to communicate with others, he has few friends. In addition, his health condition is not ideal, he is prone to digestive diseases, and his fortune in old age will not be very good.
  • The outward stretch of the law pattern is full of energy, good health and good career luck. In this life, there will always be noble people to support, and the interpersonal relationship will be lively and colorful. The third class friends are always full of friends. They are respected and will have a comfortable life in old age.
  • The legal tattoo close to the corner of the mouth is a talented person who is suitable for artistic development. Maybe she is too persistent in her work and her marriage life does not seem to be going well. If women have such legal tattoos, they usually have poor heterosexual relationship and even are singles.
  • A mole on the right side of the legal mark indicates that there is no fate with the mother, the marriage is not beautiful, and there are leg and foot diseases.