The zodiac in the horoscope

The zodiac in the horoscope is often called “ The day after tomorrow ” The zodiac is the area of the sky relative to the zodiac, depending on the place and time of birth. Different “ Houtian Palace ” Represents different activity areas, but for individual “ Houtian Palace ” The appearance of planets will change its meaning.

Since there are only ten planets and twelve Houtian palaces, there will be no planets in some Houtian palaces. However, this does not mean that the houtiangong will be useless, because other factors, such as the sensing point and the North-South intersection of the moon, may also affect the dominant meaning of the houtiangong. Apply the example given by astrologers: “ Planets are actors; Constellation is the role of actor; Then the heavenly palace is the scene that the character is involved in& rdquo;

Houtian palace with special significance

  • The first house (ASC) is called the sign of life or rising constellation. The rising point is at the eastern end of the horizon, where the sun rises.
  • The seventh house (DES) is called the descending sign. At the western end of the horizon, where the sun sinks.
  • The tenth house (MC) is called the midheaven or zenith. Located at the top or southern end of the chart.
  • The fourth house (IC), which is the opposite of the tenth house, is called the bottom of the sky. Located at the lower or northern end of the astrolabe.

The twelfth palace the day after tomorrow

The first house of life (Aries)

This is a “ Birth and maintenance ” The palace of the first is the palace of life. This house shows the constellation and its degree on the eastern horizon at birth, that is, the rising constellation. Due to the rotation of the earth, the ecliptic will rise by one degree on the horizon in about four minutes. Therefore, the accuracy of birth time is very high when calculating rising constellations.

The first house shows people's personality, temperament, tendency, uniqueness and the way to express themselves. It also shows how others see you and how you want others to see you. It also shows your body shape, health, and early destiny. It shows your view of life and the world. It also shows your appearance, behavior and the beginning of your career. At the same time, it also affects the impression you give others.

Second house of wealth and wealth (Taurus)

This is a palace of materials and resources. Represents a person's economic status, property (excluding real estate), ability to invest, make money and handle money. It represents your inner talent and intelligence, your practical needs, self-worth and values. It is also a post heaven palace representing freedom.

Third house brothers house (Gemini)

The house of mind and communication represents the environment you live in, your siblings, neighbors, and the way you communicate with others. It represents a short trip. It also shows your mind, language ability, knowledge and early education.

The fourth house Tian Zhai Palace (cancer)

The house of emotion represents your family, parents and your roots, that is, your inheritance, psychological roots and subconsciousness. It also means real estate, housing. It also represents the end of life, such as old age, homestead and posthumous fame. It also shows how your parents influenced you in your childhood. It also expresses your self and subjective views.

Fifth house children's Palace (LEO)

The palace of life represents one's children, love, romance, entertainment, holidays, games, gambling, hobbies and sidelines. It represents your creativity and artistic talent. It also shows the expression of emotion. It also represents leadership, politics, pure art, socializing, pregnancy and the education of children.

The sixth house servant house (Virgo)

The house of material means your work, health and habits. It shows the condition of subordinates and slaves. It also shows the service you provide to others, and the health of your clothes and diet. This palace also represents the cousin uncle and other collateral elders, as well as the unconscious part of the mind.

Seventh house of couples (Libra)

The palace of face-to-face relations represents trade, spouse, marriage, divorce, contract, law, litigation, transactions, agreements, shareholders, partners and all public related contacts and public reactions. It represents your enemies and what you lack most. It also represents your attitude towards marriage and marital status. It also means that anyone other than your grandparents is sponsoring or replacing you.

The eighth house of ill health (Scorpio)

The palace of regeneration represents external assistance, including economic, moral, spiritual and material aspects. It also indicates the status of estates, trusts, wills, taxes and insurance, as well as secret, sexual, spiritual and material reproduction; Psychological rebirth, degeneration and death. It represents mysterious things and profound research, as well as the assets and alimony of partners. It is also the palace of surgery, so it can also show the condition of the disease.

Ninth house of migration (Sagittarius)

The palace of life represents a person's higher mind, subconsciousness, religion, law, science, ideas, advanced knowledge, philosophy, psychology, dreams, vision, cosmology and great wisdom. It also represents long-distance travel, international trade, import and export business. It also represents the church, grandchildren, intuition, ethics, public opinion and life experience as the spiritual pillar.

The tenth house Guanlu Palace (Capricorn)

The palace of material represents a person's career, reputation, social status, ambition, career and social activities. It represents your achievements and influence. It also represents one of the parents not represented in the fourth house.

Eleventh house Fude Palace (Aquarius)

The palace of group relations represents people's communicative competence and different kinds of interpersonal relationships; It also represents your goals, your love outlook, the things you desire and the reward for your work. This palace also represents stepparents, adopted children and the environment outside your control. From this palace, you can see your communication skills and ways of doing things.

Twelfth house of appearance (Pisces)

The palace of the soul, which represents human potential or weakness; It also represents sadness, pain, restriction, secret, seclusion, frustration, and behind the scenes work; It also represents prohibition, exile, hiding the enemy, crisis and self destruction; It also shows the background, subjective beliefs, internal ideology, subconsciousness and spiritual gains; It also represents compassion, charitable service and public welfare. In this field, people will try to cover up painful or difficult things.