I dreamed that I didn't die in a car accident

Dream of their own car accident did not die, indicating that the recent bad luck, whether it is work or life will not be smooth, everything around seems to be in decline. Don't aim too high. Only when you are down-to-earth can you succeed.

Employees dream that they are not dead in a car accident, which indicates that there is still much room for expansion in their career. They should handle their tasks well, do things with priority, and do not have the greedy thought of "eating in the bowl and staring at the pot", so that they can have smooth sailing and smooth promotion in the workplace.

Businessmen dream that they are not dead in a car accident, which indicates that their recent financial fortune is not good. Although they can meet reliable partners, they are likely to be defeated by your respective ambitions. To be practical, focus on what you want and can achieve, and work hard, you can gain wealth.

Singles dream that they are not dead in a car accident and will find their favorite among their friends around them. Maybe they didn't care before, but sometimes the change of their feelings is just a look back. Cherish fate, you will soon be able to harvest their own happiness.

The old man dreams that he is not dead in a car accident, which indicates that his health and fortune are on the rise, which is a good sign of prolonging life.

Students dream that they are not dead in a car accident, and they will encounter Waterloo in the recent exam. We should find out their own reasons. Blind pride is the most undesirable. Learning can only be successful if we are down-to-earth and open-minded.