Dream of blood


Blood in a dream means wealth. According to the Western point of view, it is also a symbol of vitality.

  • Dreaming that you are drinking blood is a sign of wealth.
  • Dreaming of blood damage indicates failure.
  • Dream of blood on the bed or clothes, will be seriously ill, or be involved in criminal cases.
  • Dream of a river of blood, which bodes well for making a fortune. If a woman has the above dream, there will be an epidemic in the area where she lives.
  • If you dream of a sudden gush of blood, it may indicate a strong intensity in your heart, or the spirit of self sacrifice.
  • Dream of their own or others bleeding, suggesting recent overwork and mental tension, suggesting that dreamers should pay attention to rest and adjustment.
  • Dream that you see others bleeding, but you are happy in your heart, suggesting that you are hostile to that person or have the desire to attack him.
  • Dreaming that your blood is running dry may mean that you will lose your life or suffer the pain of losing loved ones. In addition, it may indicate that you will suffer failure, financial losses, or even bankruptcy.
  • Women dream of blood, which may indicate menstruation and pregnancy.
  • Men's dream of blood may also indicate their fear of women's body and sex, or their desire for sexual aggression.
  • Dreaming of bleeding during the operation, he said he was worried about changes in his work.
  • Dream of nose bleeding, indicating that you will encounter some little trouble.
  • Dream of finger bleeding, indicating that there will be property loss. Be careful when you encounter a liar.
  • Dreaming of bleeding in the arm may mean losing money because of making mistakes.
  • Dream of bleeding on your legs, indicating career progress, a lot of money, making your life more comfortable.
  • Dream that your feet are injured and bleeding, which indicates that some of your men may betray you and make you suffer losses.
  • Dream of stepping on blood, which indicates that you may get the help of noble people to help you succeed.
  • Dreaming that your stomach is full of blood indicates that you will get a lot of money.
  • Dream of blood on your bed or clothes, which indicates that you will be seriously ill or involved in criminal cases. Be careful in everything.
  • Dream of blood on other people's beds or clothes, suggesting that you will conquer the enemy and the other party will be defeated.
  • Dream that the ground is full of blood, remind you to be vigilant and act carefully.
  • Dreaming that you are drinking blood indicates that you will be profitable and rich.
  • Dreaming of blood gushing from the flowers means that you will be appreciated by everyone for your bravery and determination.
  • Dream of stabbing others when fresh blood splashed on yourself, suggesting that if you can help the person in your dream, it may bring you financial benefits.
  • Dream of blood gushing from the cut-off animal or head and neck, which indicates that you will get a lot of money, prosperity and fame.
  • Dream of washing blood stained bodies or clothes, suggesting that you have to spend more days in poverty due to property loss.
  • Dreaming of hiding bloody clothes means you want to try your best to hide your mistakes.
  • Dream that someone's clothes are stained with blood. The person in the dream may encounter disaster or accident.
  • In the dream, someone died with blood. You may have the opportunity to move a lot of capital. You should take advantage of the opportunity and display your talents.
  • Dreaming of being stained with a woman's blood indicates that he will deal with a new partner.