Dream of quarreling with the teacher

Dreaming of quarreling with the teacher indicates bad luck recently, difficulties in life, or family destruction.

Dreaming of being scolded by the teacher indicates good luck and harmonious relations between family members. If you can be filial to your parents, you will be impressive. Maybe your pocket money will increase significantly every month.

Office workers dream of quarreling with teachers, which indicates that you have planned things for a long time in your work or life. It is suggested that you might as well be bold and let go, but pay special attention to the kindness of those who are obsessed with you, so as not to do some stupid things.

The staff dreamed of quarreling with the teacher, which indicates good fortune. They will lose first and then earn. They should be psychologically prepared.

The old man dreamed of quarreling with his teacher, which indicates that his residence will change in the near future, or there will be a dispute with others because of something.

Students dream of quarreling with teachers, which indicates that your test scores are average, but your progress is not very obvious, but you can't be depressed. As long as you can persist in learning and be patient, you will make good progress.