
  • Brand name: Judgment
  • Alternative name: Angel
  • Key words: Resurrection, awakening, recall
  • Astrology: Pluto
  • Four elements: water

Deck description

Angels with wings sounded their horns in the clouds, spreading the gospel of heaven. This is judgment day. On that day, believers will be brought to heaven. But what about those who have not been saved? Considered as non incoming? Will God deny their sins? God's judgment has “ Spiritual awakening ” Meaning of. In the sound of inspiring bugles, the souls who have been sleeping for a long time have stepped out of their inner house omen, or inner confusion, stood under the wings of angels, listened carefully to the gospel of heaven with a grateful heart. The trial is the penultimate card of the great alcana. It can be said that it is a review and self-examination of the first 20 life journeys of the great alcana. Before transcending the ultimate world of self cognition, you can reflect on your past, analyze yourself, recognize and wash your mistakes, and believe in your once right. Only then can you finally move towards the door of success.

Your efforts in the past will finally bear fruit. Trials generally take the form of joint trials, often formal or informal examinations, assessments, inspections, etc. through these assessments, the efforts accumulated in the past will be shown in an objective form, and the parties will receive corresponding rewards. In Christianity, the final judgment is also the time of the resurrection of the dead. At this time, the judgment card is somewhat similar to the meaning of the ten inversions of the sword &mdash& mdash; The bottom of the valley rises. Even if it has been suppressed in the past, it is not impossible to overturn the case at this time.

In general, what the trial provides is an opportunity to show what you have done in the past. Your actions will be measured, your choices will be evaluated, your efforts will have the opportunity to receive rewards, and unjust cases will have the opportunity to go to court. As for the result, there is usually a clear causal relationship that can be inferred. So sometimes, the trial position can even be understood as that the party knows the answer at all, and he just comes to play with you &hellip& hellip; Because no matter whether he comes to consult you or not, the decisions he makes and the final results he will get will not be much different. Everything has been so clearly formed.

Positive meaning

1. Basic meaning

Key words: the joy of resurrection, the improvement of fate, public publication of works, good news, religious belief, self-confidence.

You are at an important stage of your life journey: reflect on the past and re plan your future. Your inner voice is calling on you to talk with your inner self and check whether your past behaviors and pursuits are correct? Can what you have now bring you true happiness and satisfaction? You must face up to these problems, because this is your second chance to achieve long-term success and happiness. At this time, you understand what you have learned from the trials and challenges that life has shown.

2. Love and marriage

Key words: sincere love, overt feelings, hope of reconciliation even in case of dispute, appearance of love messenger, reunion, and conviction in the miracle of love.

He often recalled the past few fruitless feelings, and suddenly realized the real reason for the failure of the relationship. If you take this as a warning and decide to improve your relationship with your current partner, you will have a new start.

3. Work and study

Key words: possibility of reinstatement, career out of dilemma, job change, promotion, suitable for music related work, successful examination, higher academic level, and excellent performance.

You are thinking about whether your current job is what you expect; If the answer is yes, you will be more involved; If the answer is no, you will find another job. It's not difficult for you to find a new job. As long as you set goals, opportunities are always around you

4. Interpersonal wealth

Key words: money and property combine to return the Pearl, get extra wealth, repair the cracks of friendship, get praise from others, get in touch with old friends for many years, make peace with old friends, and establish a relationship of mutual trust with others.

The past debts can now be paid off. You begin to learn to use new financial management methods to improve your financial situation.

5. Healthy life

Travel can purify the body and mind, music can relieve the mood and recuperate.

Through psychological counseling, you have learned the reasons for your poor health. Most of them are the result of the influence of mental status. Therefore, you can find out the problems through the process of psychotherapy, rest and recuperate, and then you can recover. Although your appearance is no different from that before, you are a completely new person inside.

6. Other

Travel can relax your recently tired body and mind. Music can help you reduce your fatigue, take a step back and make a confident speech.

Inverse meaning

1. Basic meaning

Key words: never recover, end before beginning, hesitate, improper behavior, lax life, Conscience Discovery, feeling guilty inside.

You are looking for something to fill the ever widening gap. You do not know that the call comes from the heart, nor do you know that the solution comes from the heart. Simply put, this card is a lack of clear judgment.

2. Love and marriage

Key words: too much jealousy, failing to live up to the good intentions of the other party, unable to open their hearts to the other party, unable to reunite, not serious about the relationship, unforgettable old love.

Your love life is very poor. You are rationally evaluating your partner's conditions, but you ignore what kind of people can bring you true happiness and happiness.

3. Work and study

Key words: schools that encounter obstacles in seeking knowledge, suffer setbacks in their career, fail to recover in the face of difficulties, feel that they have more than enough to do, have poor performance, suffer setbacks in the examination room, have high expectations for examinations, and are difficult to approach expectations.

Because of the needs of real life, you are not willing to give up your current job, but obviously this job is not suitable for you; You have no enthusiasm for your work and often feel tired.

4. Interpersonal wealth

Key words: lost property, lost important items, caught in a dilemma between friends, no way to make up with old friends, disappointed with friends, betrayed by friends in the past, leaving a shadow in my heart and making mistakes.

Because of the emptiness in your heart, and you don't know how to find the answer by internal reflection, you always try to fill the emptiness in your heart with materials. He will become a Shopaholic who wastes money.

5. Healthy life

Chronic overwork leads to illness and illness delay. You may be addicted to drugs, alcohol, or physical relationships. These bad habits can lead to financial crisis and health damage.

6. Others

Return to the native land, lead to physical and mental fatigue and irregular life due to fun.