Sword IV

Sword IV

Deck interpretation

The card shows a person who is resting, and he also poses in a position similar to prayer; It is worth noting that this person has no normal color, but looks like a statue or a rigid human body, which means that he has closed all the channels for receiving foreign information, such as eyes, ears, nose, mouth and touch. The three swords hanging above were interference from the outside world. He could not hurt him because he refused to feel it, but the sword under his body represented that his own inner uneasiness could not be calmed down. In addition, it can be seen from the painted glass window that this is a church, which means that this place provides a kind of calm comfort. However, from the person's unnatural sleeping position, we can know that this calm is just a surface.

This card contains the meaning of contemplation and hope, as well as the meaning of looking forward to dreams, because people who escape from the real world often escape into another world woven by themselves. According to many materials, this card represents rest or death, but it does not mean two different possibilities, but the same thing. A short rest is a charging process, but if you rest too long, you will easily lose heart, and it is very likely that you will never get up again.

Interpretation of brand meaning

The card of sword IV implies the feeling of meditation and rest. There are usually two general explanations. One is that you have exhausted your strength through previous struggles and efforts, and the arrival of this card means that you are having a long rest within yourself, or reflecting on whether there is any missing or deviation between your previous trends and goals. In another sense, it represents the current meditation. The rest is to prepare for the coming test, and to deduce all possible changes through the sand table. To a certain extent, this card also represents a certain degree of thinking about the current and upcoming or ongoing events, with the meaning of caution.

Positive meaning

  • It needs intensive cultivation for a period of time.
  • Learn to make temporary concessions in everything.
  • Learn “ Take retreat as advance ” The law of.

Sword IV can be seen from the glass crystal window on the upper left. The scene is in the middle of the church. In the church, there is a finely carved human coffin with its opening slightly open. Maybe someone is hiding in it to rest. On the wall, there are swords and swords next to the coffin, symbolizing Book War. This person may be seeking shelter in the church, suffering shelter, hiding for a while, pausing, free from external disturbance, and in a state of temporary truce. To avoid the war and rest a sleepy body also means that the party concerned is tired, tired by various ideas, and needs to be recuperated. It is a stopped situation in order to face the next challenge. The representative has a rather difficult situation that may occur and needs careful consideration to face.

Meaning of corresponding life at all levels

  • Love: at this stage, the spark of love is fading, which means that we hope to pull away from the relationship between the two sexes and enter a period of diving time. Think about how to face the future development if the enthusiasm is no longer there.
  • Wealth: Recently, it seems that wealth doesn't love you very much. Even if you are willing to pursue it, you will get nothing like praising your father and chasing the sun. These days it's good to keep your nose clean.
  • Career: this card indicates that you are looking for a quiet time. You may be tired and tired of your current job. Your desire for vacation has increased sharply. Let go of your burden. Rest is to take a longer way!
  • Appearance: less vibrant atmosphere, appear silent, wearing more simple and conservative.
  • Health: health and vitality are at a low ebb, which may also indicate that you are facing surgery. Now your body and mind are quite tired and you need to enter a period of recuperation.

Inverse meaning

  • Remind yourself not to be impatient. Think carefully and take your time.
  • Usually, they can have a good rest in a short time, and then put into life.
  • Pay attention to self-examination and pick up the things lost before.

The reverse position of sword IV represents some action. It may be that you have had enough rest and are ready to face it again, or that the external environment has to come out to face the challenge before you have adjusted your body and mind. At this time, you are more tired, flustered and forced yourself. The reverse sword four also implies two simple meanings. One is that you have released from the thinking mode and have fully planned the upcoming events; The other is that you don't think at all, just rush forward, and don't spend time thinking and reasoning, because you have enough confidence in yourself to face the coming changes. This card is very interesting. At the same time, it has two implications: static and dynamic. The positive position of the sword is static, and the reverse position is dynamic. However, the use of dynamic and static needs to be honed. To some extent, the reverse position sword 4 is a change card.

Meaning of corresponding life at all levels

  • Love: when emotions are changing, you may know what you don't want, but you don't know what you want. It's better to find the way to your heart and return to your life.
  • Wealth: there is a little dawn, but you still can't seem to grasp the direction. Trying to invest in possible situations may help you catch the tail of wealth.
  • Career: it is a low tide at work, and the career is facing transformation. Although you need time to think, you need positive action to change your life.
  • Appearance: the clothes are quite bipolar. Maybe they are sometimes gorgeous and sometimes simple. They vary.
  • Health: the recent physical condition and recovery ability are good. After a period of appropriate maintenance, the sick can quickly recover and re-enter life.