Dream of the dead

Dream of the dead, the dead - indicates that your bad habits break into your life, if you can't adhere to willpower, you will have a certain degree of loss, it is suggested that you should abandon some bad habits, set goals since childhood, so that you won't suffer.

Dream of the dead, dead people talk - indicates that you are lucky, and even may be famous, but some of your lack of interpersonal communication, too introverted you are not easy to make good friends, I suggest you open your heart, positive and optimistic to strengthen new friends, exercise communication skills.

Dream of killing the dead, the dead - indicates that your life will be full of sadness; if you kill a resistant person, it means that your position will be promoted step by step.

Dream of the dead, the dead eating - indicates that you will live a long life.

Dream of the dead, dead people in their arms or shouting names - indicates that you will soon die, or dying.

Dream of the dead, the dead cry - indicates that you do not deal with interpersonal relationships, especially did not pay attention to the relationship with relatives, so some relatives will say you are not, let you speechless.

A widow dreams of a dead man and a dead husband, which indicates that you will abide by your chastity and become a good daughter-in-law of all families.

Widowers dream of dead people and dead wives - a sign that you will marry an educated woman who will become an assistant to your career.

Dream of a dead man, a dead father and talk to him - it indicates that you will lose money in a business you are about to do. Be careful of the people you contact, and be careful that your reputation will be damaged.

Dream of a dead person or a dead mother and talk to him - it indicates that you should not be led astray by your friends or form bad habits. It is suggested that you should be good at distinguishing bad friends from good ones to avoid unnecessary damage.

Dream of the dead, dead as alive and happy - indicates that your bad influence will break into your life circle, if the lack of perseverance, you will have great damage, it is suggested that you should be careful, low-key.

Dream of the dead, dead relatives talk and ask you to give him a promise - indicates that if you do not understand something, do not listen to the advice of others, tragic things will come, and will cause great harm to your family and career.

Dream of the dead, the dead, and they are very happy - indicates that your work, family are very smooth, life is booming, full of passion, is a good sign.

Dream of the dead, the dead, and they are very painful - it indicates that the relatives or children around you will break up with you, or even separate from you, or other serious accidents.

Dreaming of the dead and the dead father coming back to life indicates that there will be no peace in your family recently, and there will be constant arguments, which may even interfere with and affect your mood. It is suggested that you properly handle family disputes, and do not lose your iron job because family affects your work.

Dream of the dead, dead friends - indicates that your recent material will be embarrassed, life is very unsatisfactory, all kinds of sad things may happen to you, I suggest you do not depression, after the rain will have your glory.

Dream of dead people, dead people coming out of the coffin or talking - it indicates that friends or relatives you haven't contacted for a long time will come to visit you, and your fortune will also change greatly, and your income will increase day by day.

Dream of the dead, the dead into the home - indicates that your home or career will face a catastrophe, can be large or small, I suggest you do not become very negative because of the short trough, do a good job preparing for the psychological, after this time everything will be prosperous.

Dream of holding the body - indicates that you will be lucky in the near future, have a good fortune

Dream of yourself holding the body and smelling - indicates that your career is more prosperous, easy to be valued by the leadership, subordinate worship, is a good sign.

Dream of holding a corpse and maggots - indicates good luck, the recent business will get a lot of income, and will make a lot of money.

Dream of holding a skeleton - indicates that you will be insulted, whipped, or bullied by others.

Dream of going to a funeral or mourning for the dead - it indicates that you or your wife will be pregnant or have a baby in the near future.

Dream of your own death - indicates that your assets will be more and more, the quality of life will be higher and higher, and everything will go well.

Businessmen dream that their friends die or die, which indicates that your business is getting better and better, and your career is booming. It's a good omen for the arrival of the God of wealth.

Businessmen dream of funerals - a sign that their business may go bankrupt, or even be heavily in debt, which is a sign of financial ruin.

Businessmen dream of their own funeral - indicates that business is going well, life is like a duck to water, everything is going well.