Dream of monkeys

Dream of monkeys, suggesting that we should learn to manage money and not spend money indiscriminately, otherwise we will live a simple and bitter life.

Dream of monkeys stealing from others&mdash& mdash; It indicates that there is a high probability of being easily disturbed by infectious diseases, and it will also fall into the struggle between two people and even the whole team.

Dream of monkeys squatting&mdash& mdash; It indicates that there will be some bad conditions in the body. It is recommended to pay attention to physical health, strengthen exercise and prevent disease.

Dream of monkeys eating&mdash& mdash; It indicates that the life to be faced will be destitute.

Dream of sleeping monkeys&mdash& mdash; It means going abroad with friends and relatives.

I dreamed that the monkey was going to pounce at me with open teeth and claws&mdash& mdash; It indicates that the husband and wife are not harmonious, the family will be broken, and even money will be lost.

I dreamed that the monkey looked on coldly with an angry expression&mdash& mdash; It indicates that in the process of career advancement, the villain will hinder you and make the hard work you have worked hard before go to waste.

Dream of shooting or killing monkeys&mdash& mdash; It indicates that the enemy will be subdued and let the opponent look up to him.

Dream that the monkey is angry&mdash& mdash; It indicates that there will be disputes with neighbors, and turn into enemies, which will cause certain damage to your reputation.

Dream of monkeys performing in front of themselves&mdash& mdash; It bodes well for the recognition of leaders in work and the recognition of colleagues from all walks of life.

Dream of people watching dead monkeys&mdash& mdash; It indicates that the reputation or position will be damaged, and it will also destroy money.

Dream that the monkey catches the food handed by the child to eat&mdash& mdash; It indicates that there are bad signs for exams or employment, and long-term difficulties will make you feel negative. It is recommended to treat calmly, not in a hurry, and find a treatment strategy. Everything can be solved easily.

Dream that the monkey wants to escape&mdash& mdash; It indicates that business secrets are leaked and you are still in the dark, and you are more likely to be fired by your boss and lose your job.

Dream that the monkey slipped on the banana skin after eating the banana&mdash& mdash; It indicates that there will be quarrels in the family, and the planned things will be opposed by the family, which will easily lead to family disharmony.

Dream of monkey competition&mdash& mdash; It indicates that she will be selected as the husband by a woman with outstanding talent and appearance, and her reputation has been improved since then.

Dream of monkeys in high spirits&mdash& mdash; It indicates that the previously broken friendship will be revived at the party again, and the friendship will be more profound and lasting.

Dream of monkeys and civet cats playing together&mdash& mdash; It indicates that you are going to make bad friends or villains, which will bring disaster to you.

Dream of monkeys returning to the mountain&mdash& mdash; It is also a sign of winning and being favored in the workplace, school and election.

Dream that the monkey wants to hug you while kissing&mdash& mdash; It indicates that your popularity is soaring, which is good luck, but it will also have a negative impact on you, and is vulnerable to the cold eye and sarcasm of the people around you.

Dream of monkeys climbing trees or hillsides&mdash& mdash; It indicates that there will be smooth progress in official circles or positions, as well as heterosexual relationship. Love is in good shape.

Girls dream of monkeys&mdash& mdash; It indicates that she will marry a broken mouth and irritable man.

Pregnant women dream of monkeys&mdash& mdash; It indicates that an ugly baby will be born.