Dream of the old man


  • Dreaming of an old man, on the one hand, may indicate that you will be guided in your personal development. On the other hand, it may indicate your fear of death or mental fatigue.
  • For men, dreaming of the elderly also implies concern about the decline of their sexual ability. When you feel that you have lost your vitality, lost your fighting spirit, and are exhausted and about to collapse, you will also have such a dream.
  • Dream of the old man's death, which means rebirth. You may hope to change a way, start a new life, or change a new environment.
  • Dreaming of the old man is an auspicious omen. Life will be rich and happy in the future.
  • I dream that I have become an old man. In real life, I will look very young and know the way of maintenance.
  • Dream that others have become old people, life will be happy, there are no major disasters and difficulties at home, peaceful and peaceful.
  • A woman dreams that her husband has become an old man, her daughter will marry far away, and she will be worried about it.
  • Dream that children become old people overnight. When they grow up, they are not ordinary people, rich or expensive, and become celebrities.
  • The old man dreamed that he would be blessed and live a long life when he was old, and his children would be very filial to him.
  • Unmarried women dream of many old people. Although love is satisfactory, marriage will be strongly opposed by their families. As long as they stick to it, a better life belongs to you.
  • Unmarried men dream that the elderly are strong and will become partners with a slim woman.
  • Children dream that the elderly will grow up under the care of adults all their life, and their independence ability is particularly poor, which is also a very important reason to make themselves a mediocre generation.
  • Thief recidivists dream of old people, which is a good omen. Previous things will disappear, and they will be instructed by experts to go on the right road.