Dream of going abroad


  • Dreaming of going abroad implies that you may encounter difficulties or get sick, and your heart is eager to get rid of reality.
  • Dreaming of going abroad implies that you may encounter difficulties or get sick, and you are eager to get rid of reality.
  • I dreamed that I was suffering in a terrible country, indicating that I would be rich and rich.
  • People involved in major cases dream of going abroad and may be sentenced to heavy sentences or even death.
  • Dreaming of being abroad implies that the life in front of you is not very peaceful, or you are worried, and you have the idea of immigration or relocation.

Different people dream of going abroad

  • Unmarried people dream of going abroad, which indicates that you will live an independent life in the near future. You feel that you have grown up. It's time to start a family and business and do a good job.
  • Married people dream of going abroad, which indicates that your recent relationship with your lover needs to be well maintained. Remember to accompany your lover and communicate with your lover when you have time, otherwise it will lead to problems in the relationship between both sides. Remember to treat them well.
  • Old people dream of going abroad, which indicates that you should pay more attention to your health in the near future. You can usually do some health exercises, which is helpful to improve your physical quality and make your old age more comfortable.
  • The murderer dreams of going abroad, which indicates that you may be sentenced to death in the near future. This is not a good sign. Remember to pay more attention.
  • Young men dream of going abroad, which indicates that you are in good luck in the near future and feel that you will slowly become independent in life.
  • The patient's dream of going abroad indicates that your recent condition will not improve, and there may be signs of aggravation.
  • The murderer's dream of going abroad is a harbinger of capital punishment.
  • Married women dream of going abroad, which indicates that there is a risk of marriage breakdown and will be abandoned by their husbands.
  • Young men dream of going abroad and living independently.
  • The patient dreamed of going abroad and his condition would worsen.