Dream of white paper

  • Dreaming of white paper indicates that you will soon receive good news or unexpected harvest.
  • Dreaming of white rice paper is a good omen, indicating that everything is going well in your life and academic progress.
  • Dream of white paper with words, indicating that you will receive good news, or unexpected harvest. Recently, you have a good heart and a good career.
  • Dreaming of white paper printed with signatures usually indicates that you will suffer losses and reminds you to be careful recently.

Different people dream of white paper

  • The unmarried man dreamed of white paper and would marry a pure girl from a higher family.
  • The girl dreamed of white paper and would marry a man of noble character.
  • Singles dream of white paper, which symbolizes that your recent love fortune often has twists and turns. Suddenly, there is a cold war and a reconciliation situation.
  • Young people dream of white paper, which means that your luck is good in the near future. Everything will be very smooth. Don't be too proud to avoid damaging the current good luck.
  • The old man dreams of white paper, which indicates that your recent physical health is general. Usually pay more attention to kidney diseases, waist diseases and other symptoms will occur, so you need to pay more attention.
  • Businessmen dream of white paper printed with words, suggesting that you may encounter economic policies that conflict with your business, so you will suffer losses and even face the risk of bankruptcy.
  • The staff dream of white paper printed with words, which means that you will encounter setbacks at work and may be fired by your boss.
  • Married men dream of white paper, which means that you get along well with your lover recently. The quarrel can be solved in a while, and the relationship between them is better than before.
  • A married woman dreams of white paper, which indicates that your lover cares about herself recently because of some other disputes with her lover. Remember to take some time out to have a good talk with her lover.
  • Workers dream of white paper, which indicates that you will have opportunities for promotion and transfer at work in the near future. The new environment will stimulate your enthusiasm at work and have the desire to challenge yourself. Family life will affect your career. Be mentally prepared.