Dream of white granulated sugar

White granulated sugar is refined sugar, which contains more than 99.5% sucrose. It has lower water content and larger crystal particles than soft granulated sugar. It is a common seasoning and the most commonly used sweetener. The white granulated sugar in the dream is an obstacle on the way forward in life. As long as you overcome the front, it will be plain sailing.

Dream of sugar, their way forward will encounter obstacles.

Married men dream of eating sugar, good luck.

Married women dream of eating sugar, will have a beautiful child.

Unmarried men dream of eating sugar, will be with a graceful, gentle girl married.

The patient dreamt that he would be bedridden if he ate sugar.

Dream of making sugar, will do their own good work.

Dream of buying sugar, good days are coming.

Dream of doing sugar business, business or business to suffer losses.

Dream of giving others sugar, friends will oppose themselves.

Dream of sugar, will be famous, official prosperity.

Women dream of sugar, the main recent fortune, everything is successful, the future is full of bright and hope. Complacency destroys good luck, and social intercourse should be smooth and modest.