The phase of the sun and Pluto

The sun is 0 degrees to Pluto

People with this aspect have powerful talents. They have concentrated willpower and can change themselves and things around them. Because they have great power to do whatever they want, this is the main reason why they can see things through. For such people, it is very important to learn to integrate their will and spiritual will into a harmonious state. If they fail to do so, their previous efforts will bounce back and cause their own destruction. People with this kind of unity have great energy. If they go too far, they may become dictators.

The sun is at 60 degrees to Pluto

This sextant can bring infinite energy and endless resources to people's will, so that such people can constantly reflect on themselves, re affirm themselves, and strengthen their will under complex environmental conditions. A kind of subtle, unpredictable and powerful energy can be continuously dispersed from such people, which makes them have the endurance that ordinary people do not have.

The sun is at 90 degrees to Pluto

This quadrant brings infinite potential to people who impose their will on others. They want to be able to control others, so they not only have the power to force people, but also have the power to dominate people. This desire should develop inward. Their attitude of insisting on their own opinions will lead to the anger of others. They may also have a tendency to be overly violent towards the opposite sex.

The sun is 120 degrees to Pluto

These people have extraordinary willpower and energy to focus on things. They have the ability to reorganize, reflect, improve and change various situations in life. If the astrological chart indicates that they have a high tendency of spiritual development, they can be active and enthusiastic leaders. They have an insight into the current situation, which enables them to clearly know when and where to use their energy and resources most effectively.

The sun is 180 degrees from Pluto

The crisis of phase separation comes from the self repressive nature of these people, who will constantly complain about the environment or pick on the people around them. These people are very excited when they express their views, especially when they try to change the world with their own views. When other people object to their opinions, conflicts will occur immediately. These people symbolized by this aspect can only be reborn through uninterrupted self-examination and further establish harmonious relations. This kind of people's expression is direct and oppressive, which makes people feel afraid and troubled, so it is difficult for these people to get support and help from others. In terms of emotion and sex, they will be overly impulsive.