The phase of mercury and Pluto

Mercury is 0 degrees to Pluto

This form of union leads to a sensitive and resourceful mind. This combination will make people excellent researchers and scouts, as long as they pay attention to the hidden information. They will also become interested in the coexistence of mysterious things and the superphysical forces in nature, because people with such a combination can study these energies and communicate with them. When this combination shows painful characteristics, they may produce psychological overwhelming strength, or even false representations to achieve their personal goals. In addition, they have a tendency to comment on the thoughts and minds of others.

Mercury is at 60 degrees to Pluto

Fine insight enables them to understand the internal factors and energy outside the external structure of things. Their ability may be manifested in various fields. These people will express themselves in an authoritative and effective way, and their strong willpower will guide their minds to go deep into their favorite fields without interruption. Their character is also creative and intelligent.

Mercury is at 90 degrees to Pluto

This quadrant has a keen dialysis power to see the reality clearly. These people do not express themselves tactfully. They are absolutely strict when thinking and speaking. These people are used to being silent and not saying what they think until the moment before they take action. Sometimes they are suspicious of others, or use tactics when they have to be direct and honest. They have a desire to control the thoughts of others in order to be more sure that their views are correct.

Mercury is 120 degrees to Pluto

Generally, people with this phase separation will not use their abilities in this abstract field. The cosmic order is too delicate for them. If there is no star palace symbol, their abilities will only show insight into the root of things. These people are very focused and can give full play to their willpower. Therefore, they can develop their mental ability without interruption, that is, the attitude and way of communicating with others. This phase benefits writers, researchers and writers.

Mercury is 180 degrees from Pluto

This antithetical phase gives people a high degree of tension. Because they feel that they are in a situation full of crisis and have to do many things in secret, people who do secret work usually have this opposition. These people can take many secret actions that are not known to the public. In some cases, there may be people who engage in espionage, but these people are usually exposed to danger or even death.