Dream of sailing

Dream of sailing, to make good luck, the dream of sailing to see rowing items.

It's a bad omen to dream that you are sailing on the ground. Students will lose their reputation, businessmen will lose their business, and officials will be demoted for making mistakes.

Dream of sailing in the day of the eye, everything will be successful. Dream of sailing in bad days, will encounter many difficulties difficult to solve.

Dream and wife or lover sailing together, is auspicious omen, and their feelings will be deeper, get beauty love, in the short term will be good news.

Girls dream of sailing in the sea, will marry lower than their social status of men, marriage will be extremely opposed by their families.

Dream of their own navigation in the ditch, life will be disturbed, thieves will patronize their homes, serious property losses.

The patient dreamt that he was sailing on the sea, and his condition would gradually improve, and he would soon get healthy.

Businessmen dream of sailing in the river, business will be depressed, income will be reduced.

Dream of sailing on the ice, will be tortured by rheumatism, unbearable.

Dream of rowing alone, will have differences of opinion with friends, friendship broken.

Dream of sailing with friends, can overcome all difficulties.