Dream of the bridge

Dream of crossing a bridge with someone - very good interpersonal relationship. Casual joke, just to everyone's taste, your popularity will be greatly improved.

Dream of looking at the gurgling water from the bridge - ominous in terms of sex. Your reason may not resist desire. Be careful not to act boldly.

Dream of walking on the iron bridge - there will be good leisure activities. When you plan your leisure activities, it will be sunny and healthy.

Dream of walking on the suspension bridge - will have a dispute with parents or brothers. Don't be too headstrong, try to make the family harmonious. If you shake the suspension bridge in your dream and feel afraid, the dispute will not be serious, and many scarlet letters can appear.

Dream of walking on the land bridge -- the possibility of encountering traffic accidents is very big. Especially in the place where there is no zebra crossing, you should be very careful when you cross the lane and get hit by a car.

Dream of walking on the railings of the bridge - gifts will come. You'll get all the tape recorders and records you've been dreaming of, and you'll have a good time.