Dream of a haircut


  • Dream of having a haircut during the day, you can get rich.
  • The patient dreamed of having a haircut during the day and would soon recover.
  • Dream of a haircut at night, there will be bad news.
  • The businessman dreamed that he was having a haircut and could make a lot of money.
  • The staff dreamed that they were having a haircut and would raise their salary.
  • The boatman and crew dreamed that they would make outstanding contributions to their jobs soon after they had a haircut.
  • Dream of giving others a haircut, you will suffer a loss.
  • Dream of giving the enemy a haircut, the enemy will create disaster for himself.
  • Barbers dream that if they cut hair for others, their income will increase.
  • Businessmen dream that they can make a profit by cutting hair for others.
  • Dream of asking someone to have a haircut, may have an affair, which indicates that it will attract the attention of the opposite sex and get the favor of the opposite sex.
  • A woman dreams that she is having a haircut and may participate in social activities, suggesting that you have many friends and are very heterosexual.
  • Men dream of having a haircut, but also suggest that they have wealth and will achieve success.
  • Dream of shaving your head, be vigilant. This dream has the meaning of losing power.
  • Dream of cutting hair with scissors, indicating that they will leave their relatives, and relatives at home will encounter misfortune and disaster; It may also mean that you want to get rid of your troubles and cut off your love. But if you dream of giving your cut hair to someone else. It indicates that you will usher in love and happiness.
  • Dreaming of having someone perm is a sign of increased spending. It indicates that your entertainment may increase and put pressure on the economy.