Dream of buildings

  • Dream of buildings, which indicates wealth, fame and glory.
  • Dream of building collapse, it indicates that the conditions will be improved, or the situation will have a good change.
  • Dreaming of dilapidated buildings indicates that bad things will happen to the dreamer, and disease, love and career downturn will come one after another.
  • Dream of tall and magnificent buildings with green lawns in front, indicating a long and colorful life, as well as travel and exploration to distant countries.
  • Dream of a low new house, which means that the family is happy and the career gains a lot; If the house is dilapidated and dirty, disease and the downturn of love and career will follow.
  • Dream of looking down from the top of a tall building and feeling afraid, which reflects that you will not only expect but also be afraid of sex.

Different people dream of buildings

  • Pregnant people dream of buildings, suggesting that you will have the sign of giving birth to boys. If you have the sign of giving birth to girls in spring, you'd better go out less on rainy days.
  • Travelers dream of buildings. This dream needs to remind you that you should delay your trip for a few days.
  • People who go to school dream of buildings, which means that you can't be admitted smoothly after many twists and turns in the exam.
  • People in love dream of buildings, which represents your relationship. If you can trust each other and treat them sincerely, you can become a husband and wife.
  • People in benmingnian dream of buildings, which means that if you run the real estate business in this year, it is more favorable, and no matter what you do, you can develop smoothly.
  • Businessmen dream of buildings, which implies that you can get money smoothly when running business, but you need to beware of having a strong attitude.
  • Pregnant people dream of a building on fire, suggesting that you will have the sign of giving birth to a boy. If you have the sign of giving birth to a girl in the autumn, you need to beware of moving the fetal Qi and affecting your abortion.
  • Business people dream that buildings are on fire, which shows that although you will have some twists and turns in business, you can finally get money smoothly.
  • People in benmingnian dream that buildings are on fire. This dream needs to remind you that it will be more beneficial to run the real estate business in this year. At the same time, it is better to go away less and beware of damage disasters.
  • People in love dream that the building is on fire, which implies that your relationship will encounter the opposition of your relatives, but you must not lose heart and be careless. In the end, you will still have the hope of marriage.
  • Pregnant people dream that buildings are going to collapse, suggesting that you will have the sign of giving birth to girls. If you have the sign of giving birth to boys in winter, you need to beware of abortion.
  • People in benmingnian dream that buildings will collapse, which shows that you can get money smoothly in this year, but you need to be careful about the safety of tens of millions of people in and out.