Dream of stairs

Climbing stairs is a process. You climb stairs to go to another floor or space. Unless there is a power failure or for health reasons, when there is an elevator to take, most people will not choose such a breathless way. Compared with the effortless taking the elevator, each step of the staircase has to go up and down by itself.

  • Climbing the stairs in a dream is like a projection of striving to make progress. Walking down the stairs may be a reflection of your life. Although "people climb high", you may climb to the end of your dream in sweat. Only when the wind blows can you realize the true meaning of "it is extremely cold at high places". Climbing the stairs and enjoying the scenery around you may make you realize that the process is more important than the result.
  • Sometimes the stairs in your dream even extend infinitely. You can't see the destination when you are exhausted. At this time, maybe you should consider that the destination above is really worth so much effort?
  • Dream of never climbing the stairs of high-rise buildings, which means good luck in reading. It will have a good effect to review several times before the exam. You can face the exam paper with 100% confidence.
  • Dream of the broad and imposing stairs, which is a symbol of authority and order.
  • Dream of going down the stairs, the dream of exuberance, the dream of falling down, is mostly caused by lower discomfort such as anal prolapse, hemorrhoids and diarrhea. It also implies that there are some worries about property, status and reputation in life, afraid that they will fall down.
  • Dream of being dragged down the stairs by invisible forces, and find a beautiful scenery at the bottom, which is & ldquo; Take a step back & rdquo; The best portrayal of.
  • Dreaming that there are many people up and down the stairs, which makes you feel very crowded, implies that there are many competitors on the road of the future.
  • Dreaming of yourself standing in the middle of the stairs shows that you strongly desire to be recognized by the society.
  • Dreaming of a stairway full of garbage means that people around are engaged in improper activities.
  • Dream of stairs on fire or broken, indicating that the future will develop.
  • Dream of meeting the person who broke up with you on the stairs, which means that although you met, you immediately went up and down one by one, passed by the wrong person and didn't intersect.
  • Dreaming of holding a little girl up the stairs indicates that your interpersonal relationship is very good. You can participate in more group activities. Your approachable attitude will make you shine in the crowd, and will also make you get a perfect, harmonious and mutual trust interpersonal relationship, which is very helpful for your future development.
  • Dream of climbing the stairs of the building, indicating that the efforts will bring good results.
  • Dream of climbing up the stairs and looking at the sky, suggesting that the wealth and fortune exhibition will bring unexpected income from unexpected places.
  • Dream of sweeping the stairs, good omen, indicates that all sorrow will pass, and a happy life will come soon.
  • Dreaming of yourself going up the stairs shows that you strive to make progress and hope to keep moving forward.
  • Dreaming that going up the stairs is rising and going down is falling. Going up and down like you shows an uneasy state of mind. If you can finally get to the exit, it symbolizes that you have found a solution.
  • Dreaming of going down the stairs may be caused by too much mental pressure or some heart problems.
  • Dream of going down the stairs, which is dangerous and steep, so you should be careful about your current work, business and feelings, and don't make things in uncontrollable clutter.
  • Dream of going up and down the school stairs, suggesting that the grades are up and down, very unstable.
  • Dreaming of yourself standing in the middle of the stairs shows that you strongly desire to be recognized by the society.
  • Dreaming of stepping on the stairs means that you have stepped on something in reality.

Different people dream of stairs

  • Men dream of going up the stairs, which indicates that the dreamer will steadily improve and develop his career smoothly through his own efforts.
  • Women dream of stairs, which may also have the meaning of love or communication. Dreaming of going up stairs indicates their desire for success in love and communication.
  • Students dream of climbing endless stairs, which means that you want to work harder and strengthen at work or school, and your grades will rise as scheduled soon as possible.
  • The staff dreamed of going up the stairs and being promoted.
  • The merchant dreamed that going up the stairs was a sign of wealth.
  • Students dream of falling down from a ladder and will be unknown on the list.
  • Businessmen dream of getting down the ladder and making less profit.
  • Pregnant women dream of going down the ladder, suggesting that they will encounter setbacks and it is difficult to achieve your goals.