Dream of coins


  • Dream of coins, easy to get dark money.
  • Dream of picking up coins on the hillside indicates that he will be respected and earn a lot of money.
  • Dream of gold coins, indicating prosperity, or you will get a lot of happiness from the ocean voyage.
  • Dreaming of silver coins is not a sign of luck. Families that are usually calm may have twists and turns. If the dream feels that the silver coin is very new and glittering, it may also suggest that someone you trust will betray you.
  • Dreaming of copper coins means physical torture and psychological frustration, or people with higher authority exert pressure on you. Nickel means you will work hard.
  • If you like silver coins and think you have a lot of silver coins in your dream, then the dream is a symbol of auspiciousness.
  • Dream of accepting silver coins, indicating that the economic situation is not good.
  • Dreaming of nickel coins indicates that you have to work hard, but if you feel very happy in your dream or dream that you have a lot of nickel coins, it means that you will achieve satisfactory achievements through labor.
  • Dream of ancient coins, income has increased.

Different people dream of coins

  • A woman dreams that her lover gives her a silver coin, suggesting that she may be abandoned.
  • Travelers dream of coins and suggest less going out in case of wind and rain, and beware of dangerous slips by the water.
  • Pregnant people dream of coins, indicating the birth of a boy and beware of dystocia.
  • People in love dream of coins, which shows that marriage is mature, the best spouse and marriage can be achieved.
  • People in benmingnian dream of coins, which means having a heart of integrity, being close to goodness, wisdom and sincerity, being auspicious and not stubborn.
  • Businessmen dream of coins, which means they are not going well and should respond at any time. Rectification and modification.
  • Investors dream of coins, which indicates that your recent fortune is good and you may make a lot of money.
  • Office workers dream of coins, representing Guan Mingming and stable working state. Take on more tasks of assistance and service, and get the attention of your boss.
  • Donkey friends dream of coins. They encounter some small twists and turns on the way to the main trip, but they can get through it smoothly.
  • People who are looking for a job dream of ancient coins and will soon find a job.
  • Working people dream of ancient coins, the position will be promoted or the salary will be improved.
  • Businessmen dream of ancient coins. They will make a lot of money in business.