Dream of crutches

Dream of crutches, indicating that you need help from others, or that you must provide help to someone.

Dream of the enemy on crutches, there will be danger.

Dream of friends on crutches, in times of crisis will get the help of friends.

Dream of beating people with crutches will be notorious.

Dream of others beating themselves with crutches, will be famous all over the world.

Dream of giving crutches to others means making new friends.

I dreamed that others gave me crutches to be promoted.

Dreaming of discarding crutches indicates that you will overcome difficulties and become more independent.

Dream of a friend on crutches, indicating that in times of crisis, you will get the help of your friends.

Different people dream of crutches

Men dream of walking on crutches and living a hard life.

Women dream of walking on crutches, thieves or robbers will patronize the house.

Old people dream that they will live a happy, comfortable and peaceful life in their old age.

The patient dreamed that he could recover slowly with crutches.

Businessmen dream of crutches. They will lose money and be heavily in debt. They need to live within their income.