Dream of shit

  • Dream of stepping on dog shit or dog shit, which indicates that lucky things will come to you.
  • Dream of catching dog shit with your hands, you will see wealth slip away from your hands.
  • Dream of dog shit on your clothes, which indicates that the relationship between family members will be harmonious and smooth.
  • Dreaming of shit all over the floor indicates that you are eager to make progress emotionally in the near future. The plan of cohabitation or marriage is easy to enter your dating agenda.
  • Dreaming of stepping on dog shit indicates that you have a strong competitive heart in the near future. You feel like discussing something and like to use theoretical analysis to prove that you are right. That will make people feel very depressed.
  • What does it mean to dream of sweeping dog shit? It indicates that you have good work luck in the near future and get good results. Your interpersonal relationship is not very good. You need to put yourself in a clear position.
  • Dreaming of dog shit indicates that you want a flawless love, hope to stick to your peace, wait for the right object to appear, and your processing ability will be improved, and you will reap the fruits of success.
  • Dreaming of a dog pooping indicates that everything is going well for you in the near future, but if you act proudly, you will be plagued. I suggest you keep a low profile and be modest.

Different people dream of shit

  • Single nobles dream of shit. There are many love obstacles and it is not easy to succeed. Reluctantly, it will end in tragedy.
  • If a child dreams of dog shit, he has good luck in the near future.
  • People who travel dream of shit. It is suggested that they don't have to rush for a while and choose another date to travel.
  • Pregnant people dream of dog shit, which indicates that they have a daughter. Be careful by the water and prevent miscarriage.
  • People in love dream of shit, which shows that mutual trust can make marriage.
  • People in benmingnian dream of dog shit, which means not to explore patients, avoid funerals, and the rest go smoothly.
  • Business people dream of shit, which means it's best to retreat and not expand. Great things can be achieved only when it's difficult first and then easy.