Dream of the library

  • Dream of going to the library, full of writing and famous all over the world.
  • I dreamed that when I was a librarian, I would make new friends.
  • Dream of sorting books in the library, business will prosper.
  • Dream of walking out of the library, will have a big prestige shock.
  • Dream of himself buried in the library, suggesting that the dreamer is dissatisfied with real life and expects to change the current situation.
  • Dream of an empty library and remind dreamers not to waste their time on useless work.
  • Dreaming of reading science books in the library shows that dreamers focus on practical results.
  • Dream of reading liberal arts books in the library, suggesting that the dreamer is interested in the life of ancient people, or looking for a broad road.

Different people dream of the library

  • Singles dream of the library, which means getting love.
  • Candidates dream of the library, indicating good exam results.
  • People who travel dream of the library and suggest to go back and forth safely according to the plan.
  • Those who go to school dream of the library, which means that poor scores in liberal arts or oral examination affect admission.
  • Business people dream that the library represents sincere mutual respect and can gradually go smoothly.
  • People in benmingnian dream of books, which means they have the help of noble people in case of trouble.
  • Pregnant people dream of the library, indicating the birth of a daughter.