Dream of wood

Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people. Wood is a gift from nature, which can be used for construction or papermaking. Architectural wood symbolizes the dreamer's ability to judge the past and build the future. His achievements should be maintained for a long time. The wooden objects in the dream represent the nature of the dreamer.

  • Dreaming of wood or fallen trees in the forest means that you will get your wish.
  • I dream that I am struggling to carry wood, reminding the dreamer that he should not always act against his will and feelings, and can not always fully follow the instructions of others. Sometimes he needs to have his own opinion.
  • Dreaming of unprocessed wood means that the dreamer's consciousness also has many natural natures, reminding the dreamer that he must exercise proper control over himself.
  • Dream of buying wood, suggesting that the dreamer may plan to buy a new house.
  • Dream of wood warehouse, indicating that the dreamer will get rich.
  • Dream of selling wood, which means that the dreamer may lose money due to poor management, and reminds the dreamer that he should improve his business mode to increase sales.
  • Dreaming of thick smoke from bundles of burning wood is warning you to pay attention to the movements of the enemy or competitors and prevent them from sneaking attacks on you.
  • Dream of burning wood is a raging fire, which means that you can turn good luck into good luck.
  • Dream of wood warehouse, wealth and prosperity. Businessmen dream of a timber warehouse and will make big gains in business. On the contrary, if businessmen dream of selling wood, they should be careful that their business may suffer losses.
  • I dreamed that I was sawing wood, which symbolized that my family's situation would improve and my living conditions would be improved.
  • Dream of wood floating towards you by the water, you will have a windfall. If you cross the river with wood, you will be promoted and raised.

Different people dream of wood

  • Married women dream of a wood warehouse, which means that the dreamer will encounter happy and happy things.
  • Businessmen dream of timber warehouses, which indicates that the dreamer has economic mind, foresight and can make profits in business.
  • The prisoner dreamed of wood and had to work hard during his sentence.
  • Those who go to school dream of wood, which means that they can't be admitted as they wish, and the liberal arts will be strengthened.
  • People in love dream of wood, which shows that as long as they trust each other and treat each other frankly, they can become husband and wife.
  • People in benmingnian dream of wood, which means hindering more twists and turns and enriching their outward development.
  • Businessmen dream of wood, which means loss and no gain.