Dream of barley

  • Dream of barley, the person who dreams will realize his highest wish, and every effort will bring success.
  • I dreamed that barley had begun to rot, symbolizing loss.
  • Dreaming of eating barley means getting married.
  • I dreamed that I would suffer bad luck and get sick if I gave barley to beggars.
  • Dream of getting rich by harvesting barley.

Different people dream of barley

  • Travelers dream of barley. If they follow the original plan, it will be auspicious and less change will be better.
  • The pregnant man dreamed of barley, giving birth to a man and a woman in August.
  • People in love dream of barley, respect each other, be modest and polite, and marriage is expected.
  • People in benmingnian dream of barley. Beware of peach disputes. Right and wrong can be resolved by noble people in the north.
  • Business people dream of barley. They are profitable, confident and can succeed without fear of difficulties.
  • Women dream of barley green seedlings, and husband and wife live a peaceful and happy life
  • People in love dream that eating barley means getting married!