Dream of being chased

  • Dreaming of being chased means hoping someone will pursue themselves.
  • Girls dream of being chased and killed, which indicates that boys pursue themselves.
  • Dream of being chased and killed, and choose to escape, which shows that the dreamer has great pressure in reality, and still hasn't sorted out the mood to solve the problem. He is often at a loss. He is quite tangled in his heart and doesn't dare to face the reality. He doesn't want to solve the problem at all. He has a negative escape psychology, just blindly escapes from reality, so that before the problem is solved, He will always be pursued and killed;
  • Dreaming of being chased and killed, I choose to fight bravely, suggesting that the dreamer has chosen to face up to the pressure of reality and any thorny problems. I may have found a solution and am actively trying to solve them as soon as possible;
  • Dream of being chased and killed, and choose to pretend to be dead or hide, hoping to escape the sight of wild animals or bad people, indicating that the dreamer is helpless for the time being and can only choose to ignore the current situation. It symbolizes that the dreamer often uses the way of self deception and turning a blind eye to release some instinctive impulses and pressure in his daily life, That is, by adding some reasonable disguises to the instinctive impulse, we usually find various excuses so that we don't feel anxious. In this way, over time, our understanding of the environment will be distorted. In fact, we are only living half closed and muddling along, suggesting that the dreamer's character is generally weak;
  • Dreaming of being chased, bitten or killed means that the dreamer can't bear the pressure of reality, or can't find a way to solve the problem. He can only break the jar, is already compromising, and has no fighting spirit in his heart;
  • In the process of being chased and killed, if you don't feel fear, you don't just feel fun. It shows that the dreamer's life is too monotonous and boring, and needs some fundamental changes;
  • Dreaming of being chased and killed by others and making his own choice implies that the dreamer has reached the point of being forced and helpless in the real society, and the dreamer's psychology of completely compromising and giving up the reality in the depths of his heart;
  • Dream of being chased and killed by others, but can't run anyway, which reflects the dreamer's self-awareness that he has no ability to escape the and pressure in life. He is helpless and can only watch the problem escalate and can't be solved, or the dreamer can't run in his dream because of his poor sleep posture during sleep;
  • Dream of being chased and killed, but he is inexplicable and shakes hands to make peace, suggesting that the dreamer should pay attention to how he turns war into friendship with the enemy in his dream. That is a gift of wisdom given by the dream to him beyond fear. Perhaps in the same way, his confusion in reality will be solved;
  • Dream of being chased and killed, but he killed the chaser, which shows that the dreamer is also very contradictory and tangled about the pressure of reality, but he can find the root cause of the problem and believe that he has the ability to take the most correct method to solve the problem;
  • Dream of yourself, but it is that people are dead, but it seems that they are not dead. Another self is still alive. It represents that the dreamer hopes to forget from the depths of his heart. Maybe he wants to be free from the current environment, and hopes to get rid of all the troubles of the past and completely change himself;
  • Dream that he is very afraid of death and accompanied by pain. It is likely that the dreamer has encountered some trouble recently, which makes him nervous. Remind the dreamer that if the trouble has happened, he should pay attention to solving the matter at hand. If the trouble has not happened, he should also handle things carefully to avoid trouble;
  • Dreaming of being hunted down and coming back from the dead means a new self. Young people need to grow and pursue a new self. Therefore, young people are more likely to dream of being killed and dying. This dream has the meaning of regeneration.