Dream of burning incense


I dream that incense burning and worship are auspicious, everything will be smooth and life will be happy.

Dreaming of burning incense indicates that you will get the help of noble people when you are in danger in the near future. It is a good omen that you can get through the difficulties.

Dream of burning incense to the stars and moon, saying that everything is good.

Dreaming of burning incense for worship means that everything is safe and blessed.

The patient suffering from severe illness dreamed that he would burn incense and kowtow to the goddess of the temple, indicating that it was an auspicious omen and his body would recover.

The person who dreams of burning incense means that your feelings have matured, and your other half is also very excellent and affirmed. You will be able to get together in the auditorium soon.

Dreaming of burning incense and worshipping Buddha means that although you have now encountered a bottleneck, at the most difficult time, a noble person will come out to do you a great favor, and will be very successful.

Dreaming of going to the grave to burn incense indicates that your luck is very good and your life will be very happy in the near future. However, if you have less good things to do, you will encounter accidents.

Dreaming of burning incense to your father's grave indicates that you can take the initiative to care about your family's health and get along well with your family in the near future.

Dreaming of going to the temple to burn incense indicates that your luck is very good in the near future, and your life with your family will be very happy.

Different people dream of burning incense

Businessmen dream of burning incense, which indicates that your business will be more and more prosperous in the near future, and the financial luck will be high, which is a good omen.

Unmarried men and women dream of burning incense and will soon find the right person.

The staff dream of going to the grave to burn incense, which indicates that your work luck will be very good in the near future, your work attitude will be very good, and you will make good progress in your career.

The patient dreams of going to the grave to burn incense, which indicates that your recent condition will improve and everything will be very good. It is a good sign to be more careful in the future.

Unemployed people dream of burning incense in the temple, which bodes ill fortune in the near future and avoids money loss.

Celibates dream of burning incense in the temple. Your love can be successful, but you can't indulge in the satisfaction of flesh desire, otherwise it's easy to break your feelings.

Women dream of burning incense in the temple, which indicates that traveling for self-interest is not good.