Dream of the grave


Oriental interpretation of dreams and the interpretation of dreaming of Graves

  • Dream of the grave, happiness is gone.
  • I dreamed that the tomb was high and auspicious. The coffin owner of the new tomb was worried. There were clouds and auspicious on the tomb. The door of the tomb was open and Pepsi was auspicious. There were auspicious and evil on the tomb. There were trees and auspicious and evil on the tomb. There were auspicious flowers on the tomb, and the coffin in the tomb was auspicious.
  • Dream of coming out of the grave and achieving something.
  • I dreamed that someone went into the grave and relatives and friends would die.
  • Dream of graves, be careful in your words and deeds, life should be regular, otherwise your family will be broken and people will die.
  • Dream of living people digging graves, grave diggers will live longer.
  • Dream of walking in the cemetery at night, health will decline.
  • Dreaming of worshipping the tomb, there is a great possibility of rising luck in interpersonal relationships. You will have a deeper friendship with your relatives and friends. You can discuss any difficulties with them, and the other party will share your worries.
  • Dreaming of building a cemetery is an ominous omen. Someone in the family will get sick or die.

Different people dream of graves

  • Men dream of graves, they will live longer.
  • When a woman dreams of a tomb, she will be depressed and depressed.
  • Dream of visiting the cemetery, you can get real love.
  • Married women dream that when they visit the cemetery, their husbands will be more considerate and pamper themselves.
  • The unmarried woman dreamed that she would marry her husband when she visited the cemetery.
  • The unmarried man dreamed of visiting the cemetery and marrying a lovely and loyal woman.
  • Men and women in love dream of visiting the cemetery, and their love will be deeper.
  • The patient dreamed of building a cemetery and his condition would worsen.

Psychological interpretation of dream and interpretation of dream tomb

Tombs symbolize death, and dreams of death usually Herald change. Dreaming of a tomb may imply that something is over and a new stage is about to begin. These are dreams caused by changes in life. The dream may also imply that the dreamer is afraid of death or unknown or unknown things. If a friend or relative dies recently, it will also easily lead to the dream of the grave.

The grave also symbolizes peace, because the place where the dead rest is a quiet place. This dream may suggest that you desire peace. Tombs also symbolize burial. This dream may have something to do with something forgotten or hidden. If you encounter something in real life that can remind you of something that has been forgotten, you may dream of a grave. In addition, the dream may also mean that the dreamer is interested in hidden things.