Dream of makeup

Dreaming of makeup reminds you of the possibility of being cheated of money. Makeup means disguise, which means that the person who deceives you is wearing a mask, so be especially careful to lend money to close friends.

Dream of walking into the dressing room, you should be careful of fire, etc. Especially when traveling outside, you should be more careful. You might as well pay attention to the exits and fire exits of your residence.

Dreaming that you are making up for others shows that you are looking forward to the implementation of something in your heart. This dream reminds you to do everything before others before you have the hope of success. It's hard to succeed if you always fall behind others.

Dreaming that you are making up indicates that you have some secret in the near future, and it has been noticed. Therefore, you are eager to avoid it by covering up.

Dreaming that others are making up indicates that someone is inconsistent with you and disguised, and may be using you. Be careful to borrow money from others in the near future. Don't trust others easily.

Dreaming of a masquerade ball indicates that your luck is not very good in the near future. If you feel that disaster is coming, it may fall on your own head or on the head of others.

Different people dream of makeup

Married people dream of make-up, which indicates that the dream lover's career will soon be promoted and the career will be satisfactory.

Unmarried dream of make-up, indicating that the dreamer can find the right partner, but don't cover up your shortcomings too much, so as to avoid unpleasant things afterwards.

Dreaming that others are making up indicates that someone is inconsistent with you, disguised, and may be using you. Be careful to borrow money from others in the near future. Don't trust others easily.

Dreaming that you are making up indicates that you have some hidden secrets and have been noticed, so you are eager to avoid it by covering up.

Patients dream of make-up, fortune dreamers will soon recover, and good things will happen, which can be described as double happiness.

Pregnant women dream of makeup. This is a fetal dream. They will have a beautiful girl. When they grow up, they will be very beautiful. There are many suitors.

Employees dream of make-up, which indicates that you can face the outside world with the best image and hide yourself by means of camouflage. No one will know your true face and thoughts.

A man dreams of a masquerade ball, which indicates that you will be safe in the end when you encounter some small episodes on your journey in the near future.

A woman dreams of a masquerade ball, which indicates that many things you can't do as you want in the near future. It's easy to lack judgment. When facing major decisions, remember to find trusted friends to help you make decisions. That's the most appropriate.