Dream of shopping


  • Dream of shopping, which means comfortable life, rich economy and small fortune.
  • I dream that shopping has a selection process, which also symbolizes choice and measures the weight of gains and losses. It is possible to remind me to choose carefully in work and life, or don't hesitate too much and miss great opportunities.
  • Dreaming of shopping in luxury places such as foreign trade counters or import stores may also show your inner vanity.
  • Dreaming of shopping in Ditui, night market, commodity market and other places may indicate that you are actually unhappy in money.
  • Dream of shopping in the entrustment bank or fashion store, also implies that there may be twists and turns in love. Maybe you have a good feeling for others in your heart, maybe you feel that your lover has a good feeling for others, and hope you can attract the attention of your sweetheart more.
  • Dream of shopping in a department store, indicating that you will receive good news or unexpected surprises.
  • Dreaming of shopping with his mother and parents means that the dreamer is dependent, economically and ideologically independent, and it is difficult to bear the pressure alone.
  • Dreaming of shopping with your lover usually indicates that you will get the expected gift.
  • But if Feng and his girlfriend buy consumer goods such as appliances, TV and bed, it has an obvious moral meaning, suggesting that the relationship between you will further develop and there is the possibility of cohabitation or marriage.
  • Dream of shopping with your husband or wife, which means that life is rich and comfortable, family harmony and warmth.
  • Dreaming of shopping with friends means that dreamers have many friends. When they need help, they will get their support, live happily and work smoothly.
  • Dreaming that he is shopping selectively implies that the dreamer is a rational person. He is good at making prudent choices in life, judging the weight of value, etc., and pays great attention to organization.
  • If you dream that you are shopping crazily, or spending money indiscriminately, sweeping the street and buying a lot of things, you may be reminding the dreamer to pay attention to saving, otherwise you may soon face the & ldquo; Moonlight family & rdquo; Situation, may also borrow money from others.
  • Dream of buying food in the supermarket, which means that they will have closer contacts with friends and relatives, have harmonious feelings, and are busy for communication.
  • Dream of visiting a craft shop, indicating that you will meet your sweetheart and fall in love.
  • Dream of shopping in a shoe store, which indicates that you may lose money or have debt, but you can't get it back.
  • I dreamed of looking for all kinds of books in the bookstore, and my health declined. Haunted by unexplained fatigue, I can't lift up my spirit when doing anything. At this time, it's best to exercise in the field.