Dream of snow, snow


Snow represents purity, but has different explanations. Pregnant women, girls, unmarried men, children, men, women, prisoners, students and the elderly dream of snow.

  • Pregnant women dream of snow & mdash& mdash; Will have a healthy and beautiful boy.
  • Girls dream of snow & mdash& mdash; Soon you will meet your favorite prince charming, and love is sweet.
  • Unmarried men and women dream of snow & mdash& mdash; The wedding will be held soon, happy and happy.
  • Children dream of snow & mdash& mdash; It is a good omen. The family is happy, healthy and everything goes well.
  • Men dream of snow & mdash& mdash; Will be rich.
  • Women dream of snow & mdash& mdash; All sorrow will disappear.
  • The patient dreamed of snow & mdash& mdash; He will soon recover his health.
  • Businessmen dream of snow & mdash& mdash; To do business in a distant country.
  • Mountain people dream of snow & mdash& mdash; Will leave their place of residence and move to a distant town.
  • A woman dreams of snow in front of her door & mdash& mdash; You'll get good news.
  • The prisoner dreamed of snow & mdash& mdash; He will be out of prison soon.
  • Students dream of snow & mdash& mdash; There will be a good future and everything will go well.
  • Dream of the snowman talking & mdash& mdash; It bodes well for good news.
  • Dream of tumbling in the snow & mdash& mdash; Love has a turning point. Although the relationship with lovers will be cold for a time, it is only short-term, and love will soon revive. If there is a snowman in the dream, their love will be more stable.
  • Walking in the snowy streets & mdash& mdash; It means that there are more heterosexual friends. Will associate with many members of the opposite sex, but because of this, the temporary expenditure will increase, and no amount of money will be enough.
  • Dream of snow & mdash& mdash; Trouble will happen. Once you have trouble, you don't know where to go. You'd better tell the older generation what they have to do.
  • Dream of walking in the snow forest & mdash& mdash; Good skills, often appreciated by people around the world. You might as well participate in literary and artistic performances, which can undoubtedly be warmly applauded.
  • Dream of slipping on the frozen snow road & mdash& mdash; In terms of behavior, there may be abnormalities, may overturn the lunch box and make a fool of himself in full view of the public.
  • Dream of snow in the sun & mdash& mdash; Physical condition may not be very good. You may suffer from cold, food poisoning, tonsillitis, etc. you should pay attention to it.
  • Dream of snowflakes falling on you & mdash& mdash; It means that everything is auspicious.
  • Dream of snow falling on the courtyard at home & mdash& mdash; It means easy to have funeral.
  • Dream of snow in winter & mdash& mdash; It means that the God of luck is visiting.
  • Dream of an avalanche & mdash& mdash; Will get a lot of money.
  • Dream of snowflakes flying & mdash& mdash; Signs of illness or distress at home.
  • Dream of snowflakes on the trees & mdash& mdash; It symbolizes the arrival of favorable investment.
  • Dream that the house is full of snowflakes & mdash& mdash; It indicates that there are worrying things at home, which disturbs the whole family and makes them very upset.
  • Dream of residual snow in the melting snow pile & mdash& mdash; Things that go well can't come to a successful end and run around, causing losses to a certain extent.
  • Dream of snowflakes or residual snow not falling & mdash& mdash; A dream followed by disasters such as funerals or major changes.
  • Dream of snowflakes and darkness ahead & mdash& mdash; A sign of misfortune.
  • Dream of snowflakes or Frost & mdash& mdash; Things in progress cannot be solved smoothly and face obstacles and difficulties.
  • Dream of walking along the footprints on the snow & mdash& mdash; Follow famous people or engage in the cause of sorting out the great achievements of great people.