Dream of tomatoes


Tomatoes are good luck. Tomatoes symbolize good luck.

Dreaming of rotten tomatoes is a bad omen and bad luck.

Dream of selling tomatoes, will be humiliated.

Dream of buying tomatoes, and soon the guests will come to the door.

Dream of harvesting tomatoes, happy events to come.

Dream of eating tomatoes, vegetables with tomatoes, or tomato juice, which indicates that you will achieve success or sexual satisfaction.

Dreaming of green tomatoes indicates that something bad will happen to you. Be careful.

Dreaming of ripe tomatoes being eaten indicates that you will be lucky in terms of material things and get what you like. It is a good omen.

Dreaming of green west red persimmons indicates that your recent fortune is bad, bad things will happen around you, and you are in a bad mood.

Different people dream of tomatoes

Men dream of eating tomatoes, which means good luck.

Married women dream of eating tomatoes, which means good health.

Unmarried women dream of eating tomatoes, which means marrying a strong husband.

Unmarried men dream of eating tomatoes and marrying a gentle and considerate wife.

The patient dreamed that eating tomatoes would soon restore his health.

The prisoner dreamed of eating tomatoes and would soon get out of prison.

Businessmen dream of tomatoes, which indicates that you have a good fortune. You will find a suitable partner and make a lot of money. You should grasp it well.

Employees dream of tomatoes, which indicates that you are full of work motivation, but pay more attention to interpersonal relationships. Don't make a decision on everything too quickly, so you won't make mistakes and be too restless.

Job seekers dream of tomatoes, which indicates that your job luck is good, but don't aim too high to avoid missing good opportunities.

A scholar dreams of tomatoes, which indicates that you will achieve good results. With your open mind, you will be affirmed by the teacher, but don't be proud, continue your efforts.

Pregnant women dream of tomatoes, which indicates that your future luck is very good, your family will be very safe, the baby in your stomach will be very healthy in the future, and will give birth to smart girls. It is a good omen.