Dream of twins


  • A married man dreams of twins and will succeed in his career.
  • The unmarried man dreamed of twins and would soon start a family.
  • Businessmen dream of twins, will be rich.
  • The patient dreamed of twins and was sure to recover slowly.
  • The prisoner dreamed of twins and would soon be released.
  • Dreaming that you have twins, generally speaking, you are eager to change the status quo, or you will have important gains, which is a good thing to celebrate.
  • Dream of having twin boys. For men, such a dream represents that they will gain in their work or career; For unmarried women, it symbolizes the coming of love; For married women, it symbolizes the happiness of family life.
  • Dream of having twin daughters, this explanation is basically the same as & ldquo; Dream of having twin boys & rdquo; But for pregnant women, it represents their own worry and worry;
  • Dream of his wife giving birth to twins, which indicates that the family life is happy and harmonious, and an unexpected happy event comes.
  • Dream that others have twins. Generally speaking, this dream represents one's own desire and a strong desire for success.
  • Dream that a colleague has twins. This dream is an embodiment of a colleague's ability. You subconsciously think that a colleague's ability is excellent or better than yourself, which may pose a threat to yourself.

Psychological explanation of dreaming of twins

“ Have twins & rdquo; Generally speaking, dreams are auspicious dreams, which mainly represent desire and harvest. Dream & ldquo; Twins & rdquo; It generally represents their own love, work, career, family, etc., so for people who pursue different things, they are eager to gain something from what they pursue, and they will blossom and bear fruit in their dreams & ldquo; Have twins & rdquo; In the form of; If your sixth sense is very effective, then this dream represents harvest. Before long, there will be happy events.