Dream of a windy day

Dream of a windy, auspicious omen, indicating that their status will be improved.

Dream of blowing dirty wind, will suffer pain and misfortune.

Dream of a wet wind, there will be distinguished guests at the door.

Dream of gusts of hot wind, to get sick.

Dream of a gentle breeze, which means that you are relaxed and rank, and can make good luck.

Dreaming of sandstorm all over the sky means that you often don't consider the consequences and will suffer pain and misfortune. You should think twice before you do anything.

Dream of the spring breeze blowing, it means peace and success.

Dream of windy houses collapsing, indicating that there will be disaster in the near future, which is an ominous omen.

Dreaming of a strong wind blowing on the window indicates that a friend will come from afar in the near future. Perhaps a childhood friend will suddenly visit and have a good memory.

Dream of walking against the wind indicates how difficult the future is, especially in the opposite sex. Everything will be unhappy. I suggest you don't be nervous, otherwise it will only be bad. You should wait slowly. When the opportunity and fate come, you will be able to achieve what you want and everything will be smooth.

Dreaming of a tornado indicates that you may find what you have lost in the near future; Or immersed in the pain of lovelorn, the opposite sex appears to comfort you, so don't be discouraged and lift your spirits.

Different people dream of the wind

The staff dreamed of the wind, which was a sign of promotion.

The patient dreamed of the wind and would recover soon.

The prisoner dreamed of the wind and would soon be free.

Married women dream of a wet wind and are about to get pregnant.

Businessmen dream of breathing fragrant wind, which is a good omen for business profits. On the contrary, they dream of breathing dirty air, which will be in danger.