Dream of tongue

  • Dreaming of your tongue implies that villains will spread your rumors and make you feel upset.
  • I dreamed that my tongue was getting longer and longer. I seemed to have mental problems. Because the ups and downs of feelings are too intense, small things can also make you happy and worried.
  • Dreaming that the tongue of an unrelated person grows longer indicates that you will be calculated by others.
  • Dream of the family's tongue getting longer, which means that someone's physical condition will have problems at home.
  • Dreaming that your opponent's tongue grows longer means that you will receive a lot of rumors against yourself.
  • Dream of your tongue is very long, suggesting that you speak exaggerated and dishonest in your life, and may cause right and wrong.
  • Dreaming of your tongue getting longer means that your spirit will be emotionally stimulated and become very sensitive.
  • Dream of a long tongue, indicating that you have a major crisis in your feelings. The ups and downs are too intense. It's best to turn big things into small things. So as not to bring more harm and pain to the other party.
  • Dreaming that your tongue is broken indicates that you will have some problems in communication in the near future, but what you want to say in your heart is hard to say; On the other hand, it indicates that you are in poor health and may have disputes with others, which is an ominous sign.
  • Dreaming of biting your tongue indicates that you will suffer financial losses in the near future. I suggest you be more careful.
  • Dreaming of biting someone's tongue indicates that you will soon have the opportunity to travel and be happy on the way.
  • Dream of no tongue, suggesting that you can't speak, or don't want to speak, don't argue with others.
  • Dream of eating, biting your tongue and biting out blood, indicating that you are going to be rich.

Different people dream of tongues

  • Unmarried men dream of sticking out their tongue, which indicates that your relationship will go well.
  • Unmarried women dream of sticking out their tongue, suggesting that you have ups and downs in your emotions, and your feelings may have twists and turns.
  • Unmarried people dream of biting other people's tongue, which indicates poor health and weak physique. They need to eat less and eat more meals. Don't put too much burden on the stomach and have weak resistance. They should urge themselves to strengthen exercise and improve immunity.
  • Businessmen dream of biting other people's tongues, which indicates that they will succeed in investment, have good financial luck, get good harvest, and are also suitable for rehabilitation.
  • Office workers dream of biting other people's tongue, which indicates that there will be many difficulties in work, and accidents will occur in the middle of the project. It is suggested that you should treat it with a peaceful attitude, and other people's suggestions will help you find the crux of the problem.
  • Candidates dream of biting others' tongues, which indicates that the test results are not satisfactory. You need to continue your efforts and struggle.
  • Dreaming of biting someone else's tongue indicates that the recent atmosphere has become very relaxed, but unstable factors still exist. However, my mind has been lowered a lot and I don't pay so much attention to it. Moreover, the probability of going out will also increase, and the probability of long-distance travel is often very high.