Dream of hand

&Hand & related:

Dream of their own hands long and strong - means that the cause will be successful.

Dream of hands cut off - will be able to get God's help.

Dream of their hands more red than before - will be prosperous.

Dream of their hands powerless yellow - this is a sign of illness.

Dream of both hands holding money - will be able to entangle Wanguan.

A woman dreams that her hands are hard - it means her life is hard.

Dream of shaking hands with strangers -- about to make friends.

Dream of cutting your finger - will become the winner of the love field.

Dream of fingers scalded by steam - love to envy others.

Dream of a multi fingered hand -- there are guests.

I dream that my fingers are getting longer - business is booming.

Dream of short fingers - life is hard.

Dream of distorted fingers - will use the means of embezzlement to hold money.

Dream of bleeding fingers - money will be cheated.

Dream of hands and feet hair is thick and dense - love will have trouble, a dispute star will pass over your head, is likely to first quarrel and then become a fight, the result is not happy, at this time your words and deeds to be particularly careful.

Dream of hands and feet tied - there will be trouble in interpersonal relations, always prejudiced against your classmates, may deliberately spread your bad words, at this time you must deal with with with a detached attitude, do not pay attention to.

Dream of hand ruffian - fortune will rise rapidly, perhaps because of your normal conduct, will be increased pocket money reward, later money can be a little bit bigger.