Phase of mercury and Jupiter

Mercury is at 0 degrees to Jupiter

This aspect broadens the mind and gives love to philosophy, religion and higher education. This kind of people are full of confidence in their mental and technical abilities, and think that their fluent speeches are enough to influence others. This kind of unity likes to be a teacher, speaker and politician who need to win the support of others orally. They usually receive a good education, which leads them to social, professional and financial achievements. They are highly respected because they have won authority and reputation in their profession.

Mercury is at 60 degrees to Jupiter

This division is very helpful in the field of intelligence, especially in philosophy, theology, advanced academic research, law and related work. Their intuitive ability is well developed. Such people are naturally fond of abstract thinking. Such people like reading very much, so they perform very well in school. They are particularly interested in expressing their ideas. They are excellent writers, writers, and teachers. Their family often holds reading seminars. They also know how to use words to encourage and help people who are ill and in trouble. Their optimistic and positive character has become the keynote of life, which also brings them a meaningful way of life.

Mercury is at 90 degrees to Jupiter

The ideas of these people are rich, but they are too grand to implement. They are usually too eager to accomplish something, and always promise more than they can. They will rashly disclose their proud ideas to the wrong people at the wrong time. They must be very careful when signing contracts with people, because they are likely to be persuaded by an untrustworthy person to buy or sell property. Sometimes they will like to engage in the research of academic or mysterious things. They may give up their ordinary and stable lifestyle just to complete these studies.

Mercury is 120 degrees to Jupiter

They are inclusive and can quickly grasp the context of things. They speak with confidence and ease. Because they can make their own ideas concrete, and can effectively persuade others. At the same time, this phase can also symbolize honesty and integrity. Such people will habitually reflect on what they think and do with moral standards. They are very generous to their friends and like to entertain them in their own homes. In addition, their home is also a place for long-time study. These people will have a considerable collection of books, and they will strive to make their home a place for relatives and friends to have fun and study.

Mercury is 180 degrees from Jupiter

These people get into trouble by promising too many things they can't achieve. They like to talk and play with friends. It is also a feature of this antithesis that they daydream aimlessly. These people must use more energy in thinking, planning and speaking, and pay attention to the details in order to be recognized and respected by others. If they continue to study for higher degrees, they will also study religion, culture or philosophy. They lack the practical skills needed for life. At this time, they are more likely to have the inclination to avoid the world. Such people think they are smart, but they are easily flustered. When arguing with others, they have no way to say their ideas completely, because they will forget under pressure. They have never been able to hide secrets, and they always exaggerate their self righteous views at the most inappropriate time.