The phase of the sun and mercury

Because Mercury is too close to the sun, the main phase of the sun and mercury is only 0 degrees. The sun and mercury conjunctions give creativity and the ability to act. This aspect shows the will power to carry out opinions and decisions. Of course, since this aspect is very close to the mind and self, it also hinders the degree of objectivity in self analysis. This makes it difficult for people with this aspect to objectively review themselves. If mercury conjuncts the sun in an orbit of two to four degrees, it is said that such a mercury is “ Burning ”, There will be too much solar energy in the thinking. After that, interruptions often occur in the process of communication and thinking. When Mercury conjuncts the sun at less than half or 30 degrees, such a mercury is said to be “ Kind ”. Although there are some “ Combustion ” It is also a kind of “ Dignity;. If the waves and patterns are perfect, the solar energy can be regulated by mercury and become the carrier of the perfect frequency of the soul. In other words, will becomes the medium of spiritual development. This provides a high degree of intelligence, especially in Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius and Libra.