Who is the most dependent on his wife

As the saying goes, a wife is half the sky in the family, but for some men, a wife is their whole sky. Without a wife, they are like children without a mother. They are miserable all day. Let's take a look at the 12 constellation men who are so dependent on their wives.

Fifth place: Leo

The self respecting Leo man has an independent personality. He should be king both at home and abroad. After marriage, when the lion man is used to the other half taking care of his life, he will become very dependent on each other. As long as his wife is not at home, he feels that life has no focus, and even has a sense of loneliness, becoming a listless male lion.

Fourth place: Scorpio

Scorpio man is born to preach. When he gets married, his wife will become his preaching object. And because Scorpio men don't have too many friends, they don't have much time to socialize outside. Their biggest leisure activity is to teach their wives and children at home. So if his wife is not at home, Scorpio man will feel very idle and bored. He just wants his wife to come back soon.

Third place: Aries

Aries men are famous for their male chauvinism. After marriage, they will push all the housework to their wife. They think they work hard outside to support their family. When they get home, they should stretch out their clothes and open their mouths. If his wife goes away, Aries will feel very uncomfortable. He is used to being taken care of by his wife. When he wants to live alone, he really doesn't know what to do.

Second place: Cancer

Cancer men are born with a strong sense of family. After marriage, of course, they also put family first. They like to stay at home with their wife and enjoy a warm home life. They think that the food in any restaurant outside is not as delicious as that cooked by their wife. No matter how good the movie in the cinema is, it's better to watch TV with your wife's nest. So when his wife leaves home, Cancer man will feel very lonely and lost, just like an unattended child.

First place: Capricorn

Capricorn men are mostly workaholics. After marriage, they also focus on work. But this does not mean that they do not pay attention to their wife. On the contrary, they are particularly dependent on their wife and think that the family is two people, not without either party. Besides, Capricorns focus most of their energy on work and rely on their wife to take care of everything at home. If their wife is not at home one day, Capricorns will catch shrimp. Whether they can eat a full meal is a problem. It's more difficult to dress neatly as usual.